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"MINGI!!" Hongjoong yelled at the top of his lungs. He could feel the velocity of it threatening to rip his throat apart, but watching Mingi disappear in the pile of debris sent him into an all out panic.

He tore himself away from Yeosang and ran forward, not caring that there were still pieces falling from the ceiling.

"Mingi! Mingi!"

His hands started ripping at the large pieces of stone, flinging them as hard as he could. The rough edges tore the delicate skin on his fingers, but at this point he didn't care.

All Hongjoong could do was continuously call out for the thief and pray that he was ok.

"I swear to god, Mingi, if you leave me here after all the bullshit you put me through!" Tears came to his eyes as he continued to did.

Anger didn't even begin to describe his feelings right now. How could Mingi sacrifice himself like that? They could have worked something out if he had asked! There was no reason for anyone to be a hero.

"D-Dammit, Mingi!" Hongjoong started pulling at a piece almost as big as himself.

"Joong, stop." Yeosang hurried to his side. He made a motion like he was going to pull the older away, but then he got the steel rod he had been using before and used it to help Hongjoong move the cement blocking their way.

When he finally gave, Hongjoong let out another strangled cry. Mingi was lying facedown and was covered in blood and cement dust.

He rushed forward to slowly pull Mingi out and away from the wreckage.

The tears wouldn't stop. Normally he'd consider himself weak for letting his emotions get the better of him. This wasn't the time to become a bumbling crybaby, but his fear of loosing the only man who had brought him any sort of joy outweighed that ten times over.

"M-Mingi!" When they were far enough away, Hongjoong sat down and let Mingi lay across his lap so he could cradle the younger in his arms.

His side still had blood seeping out of it from the pens stuck there. Hongjoong knew better than to remove them, that could make everything worse. There was an array of new scraps and bruises covering the thief's skin as well.

"Y-Yeosang, c-call Dr. Kim!" Hongjoong looked up at the hacker to see he had returned to Jongho's side.

The hacker nodded immediately and pulled out his phone. "Dr. Kim?" He asked right away. Hongjoong had asked the man to standby, just in case he was needed, so he must have answered on the first ring. "Yes... I don't know... Yes... I'll send them to you now." Yeosang hung up the phone and typed out a quick message before looking at Hongjoong. "He's coming."

Hongjoong nodded and started to run his hand through Mingi's hair. He used the other one to place pressure on Mingi's neck and felt the faint pulse there. "Hang on, Mingi. Please... I..." Hongjoong bent forward to place his forehead on Mingi's. "I can't lose you..."

He kept his grip on Mingi while taking a look around the room. Yeosang was the only one without any major injuries, and San was probably the least wounded after him.

"How-" Hongjoong tried to swallow the lump in his throat. "H-How is everyone. Check in."

"I'm fine." Yeosang answered right away. "Jongho is still unconscious but he's breathing. I haven't seen any signs of major injury, but San s-said he had a s-seizure?" The hacker looked at him with concern. Hongjoong just nodded to confirm it. "W-We won't know how h-he truly is until we can scan him."

"I think San bruised a rib or two and maybe re-damaged the ones from our accident." Yunho said from where he was examining San. "I'm more or less fine. In pain, but I can handle it."

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