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"Jongho, please, come in." Yeosang said once more. He had been calling out to his boyfriend for several minutes now with no response. "P-Please." His voice cracked when his fear started to take over.

The door to the medical room opened and Mingi immediately ran forward to kneel next to him. "What's wrong?"

"M-M-Mingi..." Yeosang covered his mouth and shook his head. "I think s-something happened to Jongho, he won't answer me."

"Ok, take a deep breath and tell me what happened."

"He went for groceries and w-we were kind of arguing..." Yeosang turned back to his computer when he got a little ping and noticed that his drone had found the car Jongho had been driving. He made a strangled sound and let his fingers fly over the keyboard.

They both watched as the drone dipped lower to look inside.

It was empty.

"No..." Yeosang's eyes fell to the abandoned ear piece on the passenger seat.

"Shit." Mingi hurried over to the door and poked his head through. "Everyone, get in here now!" He shouted down the hall.

It was only a few seconds before the other three joined them. "What's wrong." Hongjoong stopped at Mingi's side and placed a hand on his arm.

"Jongho's missing."

"What?" Both Seonghwa and Wooyoung looked at Yeosang with wide eyes.

All the hacker could do was nod. He wouldn't tear his eyes away from the screen while he ordered his drone to start scanning the area.

He shouldn't have let Jongho go... He should have ordered him to come back... He...

He shouldn't have pushed Jongho away.

How could he be so foolish?

Yeosang could feel his chin shaking while he tried to fight the urge to break down.

But one thing did manage to distract him from his computer screens.

A groan from behind him had everyone turning to see San lifting an arm up to rub his head.

"San!" Seonghwa rushed to his side and leaned over the bed. "San, can you hear me?"

The younger groaned and covered his eyes. "Hwa?"

"Yes, I'm here. You're ok. You're safe." Seonghwa's eyes flitted over San's body to double check and make sure everything looked ok.

Next to him, Wooyoung looked like he was trying hard not to react to what he was seeing. But that didn't stop him from biting his lip and watching Seonghwa's every move.

"What..." San tried to say.

Seonghwa shushed him immediately and ran his fingers through the younger's hair. "You were in an accident. Do you remember?"

At his words, San's arm flew to his side and he sat up yelling, "Yunho!!" His head whipped back and forth, then he swayed in place.

"Easy, easy." Seonghwa urged. Mingi came to stand on San's other side and nodded.

"Yunho is ok. Take a deep breath." The thief said.

San looked at him and blinked a couple of times. "Mingi. You came for me..." He whispered, then wrapped his arms around the taller's waist.

"Of course I did." A soft smile crossed Mingi's face. "I always will. Now you need to take it easy."

"But, Yunho..." San said with a whine. He craned his head to look around Mingi and sobbed.

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