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Seonghwa ran as fast as he could, shoving people out of the way and yelling for people to move as often as he could.

His eyes were locked on the retreating figure in front of him.

As soon as San started freaking out in the house, Seonghwa had known something was wrong. He had been terrified when San had blacked out and collapsed.

It was the scariest thing he had ever experienced. Especially when San was only unconscious for a few minutes before his eyes snapped open and he rolled away from Seonghwa. His black eyes scanned the room once before he pushed himself off the ground and ran from the house.

Thankfully Seonghwa's reflexes were quick, because he was able to pursue the younger quickly, but San was so agile he had no problem weaving through any crowds they ran into once they made it to the busier parts of the city.

And Seonghwa's lungs were starting to burn...

A few people recognized him and made sure to move, although he also drew curious eyes from anyone he didn't have push aside.

San rounded a corner and Seonghwa quickly ducked down an alley to try and cut him off.

Whatever had happened, he knew it didn't bode well for San. And he knew his father had hacked into his chip as well.

When he turned a corner, he saw San run past him and forced himself to push forward. His legs were heavy and weak but he had to keep trying.

"San!" He shouted, even though he knew it wouldn't matter.

He had lost his friend to the control of his father. There was no pulling him back now. Not until his father deactivated San...

And San was pulling away from him now too.

A few more turns was all it took for Seonghwa to lose sight of the younger. He slowed to a stop and bent forward, placing his hands on his knees and panting heavily. Then he pulled out his phone and called his father.

"What is it, Son?"

"You tell me!" Seonghwa snapped when he could finally breath enough to talk. "What the hell just happened?!"

The line was silent for a long time. Then when his father spoke again, Seonghwa could hear the change. He could hear the fear... "I needed San to take care of something for me."

"Father, you better start telling me what's going on. I will not be left in the dark anymore." Seonghwa's voice was dark and dangerous.

"It's nothing that concerns you right now."

"Like hell it does!" Seonghwa yelled into the phone. "I'm coming home right now and you are going to tell me what you are planning, and I don't want to hear any more excuses!" He hung up the phone and looked down the alley once more before sending a quick message for someone to come pick him up.

The man who came to get him must have sense how upset Seonghwa was because thankfully he didn't ask any questions. They sat in silence the entire drive and Seonghwa tried to satisfy his anger by slamming the door behind him.

Anyone in the Pack who saw Seonghwa storm by them immediately stopped what they were doing and either watched with wide eyes or backed away and found something else to do.

"Father!" Seonghwa yelled. His voice echoed in the long hallway that led to the man's office. He threw the doors open so hard they slammed into the wall and bounced back to close after he walked through.

The scene in front of him made Seonghwa pause, though, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

His father had Wooyoung bent over his desk, ass exposed, hands tied behind his back, and a gag in his mouth. The boy's cheeks were stained with tears and his back and ass were bright red with spots of black and blue.

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