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When Yunho had said he was leaving, San instantly knew he wanted to go with him instead of staying with the others. They were all strangers to him, but for whatever reason, Yunho put him at ease. Maybe it was because of their 'past' together, maybe it was something else, but right now San needed to stay comfortable.

He could feel his head throbbing, especially where he had been told the chip was implanted.

Part of him still didn't want to believe it, but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. San had large gaps in his memory that felt like they were locked behind a thick iron door, just out of his reach.

Yunho walked ahead of him, twirling his keys casually around his finger. "So we are just going to drive around a bit and see if there's anything suspicious in the area. Ok?"

San lengthened his stride to walk a little closer in response. Their arms brushed and San flinched back for a second, but he also felt a rush of electricity flow through him that he had never experienced before. Even when they had been laying together just a short time ago.

He glanced up and noticed that Yunho's ears were turning a slight shake of pink.


San smiled to himself and grabbed his left bicep while he continued to walk.

"Well, this is my girl." Yunho bounded forward and ran a loving hand over the hood of a fancy sports car.

The changing colors made San pause and sway side to side for a moment just to make sure he wasn't seeing things. "Wow, this is a really nice car." San arched his eyebrows and walked around it.

"Thanks. I put her together myself and took the time to make sure she's fitted with everything I need. I'm actually a pretty well known drag racer, in that circle of people at least."

"I know." San added casually. He gave Yunho a sheepish smile, then his eyes widened. "Oh, um, we might want to go back. Mercer has a file on all of you. That's how I know. He knows about the street racing, Yeosang's hacking skills, Jongho's fighting abilities, and Hongjoong's shop. Now that I think about it, he had a file on Wooyoung and I too, but they were in a separate place... The only one he didn't have information on was Mingi."

Yunho started to pick at his lower lip and leaned against his car. "Well it's safe to say he knows where Mingi is now if he sent you here. We can tell them about it when we get back. I doubt they will be surprised." He stood up and opened the passenger side door. "Come on, let's go."

San felt himself blush at the action and slid easily into the front seat.

He once again found himself impressed, but now it was by the interior. Yunho had a display that showed a map of the surrounding area and had his car as a flashing point in the center. It looked like there was a good stereo, and even a few buttons that were spread out on the dashboard.

"Try not to push anything for a second." Yunho said as he sat down on his side. Then he pressed a combination of buttons on his steering wheel and several of the buttons on the dashboard had the lights behind them go out. "There, now it's ok."

"What did you just do?"

"Disarmed the car. I don't like to use it a lot, but I've had a few guys try to give me a hard time after accusing me of cheating." Yunho smirked, then started the car.

The low purr of the engine was almost soothing, but San still felt a chill go down his spine as they pulled away from the warehouse. There was hardly a bump or jolt in the road. It was easy to see that Yunho had spent a lot of time on this car. And it was all customized to fit him perfectly. San noticed that area where Yunho's legs went was deeper than his own, accommodating Yunho's long legs.

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