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Yeosang felt his entire body freeze when he saw Jongho standing in front of them.

This had been what he had feared most. If the Pack had control of Jongho... what if he never got his love back?

"Yeosang, scan him." Hongjoong said, jolting the hacker from his thoughts. His voice was calm and collected, something all of them needed right now.

Right. He had a job to do. He needed to focus.

His fingers danced across his keyboard in his hurry to find out what had happened, but they froze again when his favorite voice filled the air.

"Step out of the vehicle, dismount the bikes, and put your hands up!" Jongho shouted.

San looked at Yunho with concern. The older was still to weak to be moving around. "What do we do?"

"San, can you climb over to make it look like you were driving?" Mingi whispered. His tall frame started to slowly rotate as he slid off the bike below him.

"What won't work, they saw him shooting." Yunho answered quickly. His hands shook in front of him from either fear or adrenaline.

Yeosang swallowed and closed his eyes. "I-I'll do it."

"No, we need you." Yunho rotated a little to look over his shoulder.

"And you can't fight!" San snapped. His eyes narrowed and he pushed his lips out in an angry pout, showing his displeasure and how Yunho was behaving. Yeosang would have normally found it cute and endearing, but eighth now the only thing he could focus on was how Jongho was starting all of them down.

Tensions started to rise in the car and Yeosang felt like he was about to combust. "We can't do this now! If they have control of J-Jongho, then they won't know anything about what's happened since he left. Now move!" He snapped before climbing into the front seat and over Yunho's lap to get out of the car.

Everyone on bikes had already dismounted and had their hands in the air. Yeosang and San approached them slowly, trying to play for time.

"Where's the other one?" Jongho studied them one by one. "Yunho. Where is he?"

"Still injured." Hongjoong answered. He took a small step forward, falling easily into the roll of their leader.

Jongho paused for a moment, then jerked his gun to the side. "Walk." His eyes narrowed into a dark look. It was like there was nothing of the old Jongho left... He was but a shadow of his former self.

The sight destroyed Yeosang. Everything in him was begging him to run forward and either embrace or slap the younger. How could this happen? What was going to happen to Jongho now?

"Don't give up yet." Yunho's soft voice entered their ears. "If I'm reading this scan right, they stole your idea for a headband, Sangie. It's hidden in his hair, they must not have been able to do a full implant.

The hacker's eyes flicked to the younger to try and see what Yunho was talking about as the group started to move toward a door on the side of the tunnel.

There. Right behind his year. The was signs of a metal band resting against his head.

Relief flooded Yeosang's body and he almost collapsed on the spot.

He must have shown enough weakness because a second later there was a gun barrel digging into the small of his back. "I said move!" Jongho hissed.

Everyone was already a few paces in front of him getting ready to walk through the door. There were so many Pack members surrounding them, too. They didn't stand a chance if they tried to fight their way out of here...

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