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"Hello, how can I help you today?"

"I'm looking for the Blue Butterfly." A tall man wearing a trench coat said as he walked up to the store counter.

Hongjoong's drifted up and down the man, taking him in. He had always been a good judge of character and there was nothing off-putting about the man. "Blue Butterfly, eh?" He ran a hand through his pink tinted hair and traced his teeth with his tongue. "How far did you come?"

"From the Purple Star."

So, he was genuine.

Hongjoong nodded in approval and lifted the section of the counter that blocked access the backroom after surveying the store he worked in.

The man nodded and stepped through, then disappeared behind the black curtain.

Once he was gone, Hongjoong check the time and noticed that it was almost time to close, so he went ahead and locked the front door. All five deadbolts, three thick chain locks, and an electronic keypad that started up the security system. He also pulled down a gate that added another layer of protection. It had a latch on the bottom, that when pushed down, sent two iron rods into the wall on either side to secure it in place. the gate itself was made out of the thickest metal money could buy.

No one could break in unless they tried to blow the store up, and the chances of that happening were slim to none. His security system also had a perimeter monitor, so anyone that got too close would trigger a blaring alarm.

Only a fool would ignore that and still try to get in.

When he was satisfied that his store was secure, he ducked through the curtain.

The back room contained several shelves of product. By day he was a simply general store that sold food, drinks, and some essentials to ordinary people. Not many small ones existed anymore. Most had been taken over by the large warehouse stores owned by the Wolf Pack.

But Hongjoong's survived only because he was able to keep up with the insane rent he was charged. He was often asked how he was able to do that since he was such a small store, and he would smile politely and tell them that he was just a good businessman who liked to cater to the local community.

It wasn't a total lie.

Because by night, Hongjoong ran a large portion of the underground black market.

He ducked behind one shelf that had a hidden door behind it and hurried down the cement steps into a low-lit area filled with soft green and blue lights, so it wasn't too harsh on the eyes. It also kept the electric bill lower, meaning he could hide this part of his business.

There was one main, large room that was already filled with people who had been coming in all day. Most held a drink in their hands and were conversing quietly. A few shot glares at someone across the room.

But they knew the rules.

To be accepted here meant no violence, no lashing out at others, and no disruptions. The way to come out ahead was to show the color of their wallets.

As soon as Hongjoong walked in, he held his head high and let the crowd part before them. He had earned that respect. They knew he was in charge here.

Without him they would have nothing.

Silence fell over the room when he stepped onto the stage.

"Shall we begin?"


The vibrations from the car filled him with renewed energy every time he revved the engine. It was his drug, his life, his addiction.

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