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The minutes dragged by slower than they ever had before as Mingi sat in the corner of the small bedroom. He had his knees drawn up, elbows jabbing his legs, and hands holding his forehead.

It was a positions of acceptance and defeat.

All he could think about was the way Hongjoong had looked at him... that hatred was so strong...

If he couldn't feel it pounding in his ears, Mingi would think his heart had disintegrated right there.

He had always known Hongjoong was going to be the hardest to convince once he figured out that the older was dealing in some shady business, but this... Mingi never thought it would go like this.

A ragged sigh shook his entire body.

"How the hell did you convince the others to believe you stupid story?"

Mingi's head shot up and he noticed Hongjoong staring at him from where he was tied up on the bed. The hatred was back but there was a spark of curiosity as well.

"Y-You heard?" Mingi tried to swallow the lump in his throat.

Hongjoong snorted and kicked his legs so he could sit up and lean against the wall. "Your boy needs to learn how to hit harder. Pathetic. All of this. I demand you let me go and leave before you have to deal with me when I'm more than just angry."

After his stomach flipped several times, Mingi let his head fall back against the wall. "I can't do that."

"And why not?"

"Because we need you."

"You have no idea what's good for you, you fool. I'm the last person you want to cross." Hongjoong snarled. "You really think telling me about this 'fabulous life' we had together in some other world or time or whatever the fuck you were talking about is supposed to make me just swoon and come back to you?"

Each word ripped Mingi open a little more, and yet he endured it. At least, he tried to. "Peter Pan." He whispered.

Hongjoong blinked and started grinding his teeth together.

"You had never read it before until I read it to you. You used to like those moments, saying you never had time to read for yourself. It also reminded you of when your dad used to read to you when you were little."

At that Hongjoong kicked his legs forward to throw himself off the bed. "Don't you DARE act like you know me!" He yelled as he stormed over to Mingi. His arms twisted back and forth while trying to free them, but that didn't stop him from kicking Mingi's hands apart and pressing his shoe against Mingi's neck.

And Mingi let him. He had no fight left, even when Hongjoong pressed harder and started to cut off his airflow. "But I do know you. You know you better than you know yours-"

"SHUT UP!" Hongjoong pressed harder. He swayed in place to keep himself balanced on just one leg.

It would be so easy for Mingi to knock him off balance... Oh so easy... but he couldn't find the strength to move his legs. Part of him was ready to let Hongjoong finish the job.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" The older growled. "You're really not going to fight back?"

"N-No..." Mingi forced out. He looked up at the horrid scowl Hongjoong was giving him and felt his eyes start to sting with tears. "I c-could n-never fight you."

Slowly, the pressure on Mingi's neck lessened and Hongjoong scoffed. "How could I ever be with someone as pathetic as you?" His voice was deadly.

This was it, this was where Mingi felt himself hollow out. He had to. How was he supposed to endure this? "Because I showed you what it was like to love again after your father died." His voice was barely above a whisper. All of Mingi's limbs went limp. His heels scrapped across the floor as his legs straightened out and his arms flopped uselessly to his lap.

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