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The next several hours were some of the longest of Mingi's life. Or that's what it felt like at least.

His eyes stung with how hard he was trying to focus on the letters and numbers in front of him. He'd gone over the inventory several times now, searching for anything else that could help them.

He couldn't help but think they were insane. A full frontal attack against the biggest mafia in the area? It was an impossible mission...

But that fear went away as soon as Hongjoong appeared by his side and placed a hand on his arm. "Take a break, Mingi."

"We can't, you know that."

"Yes, you can. I'm going to have everyone take a break here soon. We all need to rest before this happens."

Mingi locked eyes with him and lifted a hand up to cup his cheek. The older gave a crooked smile and leaned into the touch. "Can we really afford to?"

"We can't afford not to. If we do this sleep deprived, then we are our own worst enemy. I've got something we can take that will put everyone under for six hours exactly. It's a deep sleep so we will be able to fully recharge." Hongjoong pulled a small bottle of pills out of his pocket. "I use them when I've gone too long without sleep, so I know they work."

Mingi felt a warmth fill his chest as tears came to his eyes. A wide smile tore across his face.

"What?" Hongjoong asked, narrowing his eyes.

"It's just... You used to do the same thing, only it was a sleeping serum that you'd inject into yourself to make sure you slept." Mingi whispered, running his fingers through Hongjoong's hair. "Sometimes I had to make you do it to yourself, and you'd put up as much of a fight as you could with your cute little pout you'd like to get when we were alone."

"That doesn't sound like me at all." Hongjoong growled. He tried to step away from Mingi, but the thief cupped the back of his head and brought him in for a kiss instead.

Their lips molded together in perfect harmony. Hongjoong wrapped his arms around Mingi's neck and pressed himself against the thief's body.

Neither one of them wanted to say it, but Mingi knew there was a hint of farewell in the kiss. Farewell, longing, hope, fear... all of it.

There was no saying what was going to happen them once they put Yunho's plan into motion. Too much was uncertain... Too many things could go wrong.

Mingi grasped Hongjoong's waste and lifted him up to sit him on the table next to them. The older immediately wrapped his legs around Mingi to keep him close. "Min..." He whispered against the thief's lips.

"Joongie..." Mingi started placing kisses along Hongjoong's jaw. "I love you." He felt Hongjoong tense at his words and quickly pulled away. "I- I'm sorry..."

"It's ok." Hongjoong said, lifting a hand up to place it on the younger's chest. His eyes watched the way his fingers splayed open wide. "I don't... I don't know what I feel yet. I'm sorry."

"No." Mingi shook his head quickly. "I don't expect anything from you. I just needed to say it... just in case." His heart clenched at the thought hanging in the air.

Instead of saying anything else, Hongjoong simply turned his head to rest it against Mingi's shoulder and the two of them stayed there for several long minutes. It was some of the happiest moments of Mingi's life in this world. He would stand here forever with Hongjoong if he could, with his cheek resting on top of the older's head and their bodies pressed as close together as possible.

He hoped the others were taking some time for themselves too. They would all need it.

The chance to say goodbye.

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