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Yunho awoke some time later and took a moment to look around the room. When he sensed that San was asleep, he slipped out bed and returned to the others. He exchanged a quick glance with Mingi and looked away to hide any embarrassment he was feeling at the moment.

He would deny it right now, but he could understand why he might have been with San in this other life. San was incredibly attractive with his sharp features but soft expressions.

None of that would matter though if things didn't work out the way Mingi wanted them to. If San was on the Pack's side, then that made them enemies.

And Yunho would do whatever he could to destroy the Pack after all the pain and suffering the had forced on him and his sister.

"How is he?" Mingi asked.

"Sleeping." Yunho chewed on his bottom lip and when to stand next to the computer. "What is that?"

"Hongjoong's shop."

Yunho looked at Mingi with wide eyes. He could hear the strain in the thief's voice every time he mention Hongjoong and this time was no different. It made him pray that Hongjoong would believe their crazy tale because he wasn't sure he could handle seeing what happened to Mingi if he was rejected.

"I think the signal is some kind of code." Yeosang muttered while his fingers flew across his keyboard. He had a couple of screens that looked like they were running some kind of analysis while he was searching the local internet for any information he could find on Hongjoong.

How he was managing to do all this at once, Yunho had no idea, but he found it impressive.

"I'm getting some kind of interference though..."

"What?" Jongho leaned forward to look at the screens.

"It's almost like there is something trying to block my scans or..." Yeosang cursed and immediately closed out of everything. "Check everything outside, now." He pushed himself away from his desk and ran to the front door of their loft.

Yunho and Mingi watched as Jongho followed him and heard them running down he stairs. They stepped out onto the landing and leaned over to see Yeosang looking at a large, fenced off area that looked to be their main power source.

"What's wrong?" Mingi called down to him.

Yeosang didn't answer.

"It's just one thing after another." Mingi leaned against the railing and sighed. "I swear, when this is over I'm finding a home somewhere in the middle of the wilderness where I don't have to deal with people."

Yunho snorted and shook his head. "I may just join you there." The pair exchanged a grateful look.

"Those bastards!" Yeosang said from where he was still in fenced area.

Jongho ran over from where he had been examining the setup he had for his fighting right while Mingi and Yunho leaned over the side of the rail again.

"What is it?" The fighter stepped aside when Yeosang walked out holding something in his hands. Yunho could pick out a pair of tweezers, and something being held in them, but he was more concerned with the enraged look on Yeosang's face

"This is how he knew where we were!" Yeosang looked up at the other two as he hurried over to the stairs. "Somehow someone planted a bug and I'd be willing to bet it was that night we lost power."

"Fuck. I knew that wasn't just a freak accident." Jongho clenched his fists. "Can you trace it back?"

"Oh definitely. They don't know who they are messing with. But I won't have long. I'm sure they know I found it so they will either try to erase it or wait and see what I do with it. Maybe we can use this to our advantage and find out where they have Seonghwa." Yeosang looked at Mingi and nodded. "But I'm sure they have eyes on us. Yunho, maybe you should take a drive and see if you see anything suspicious."

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