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"Yunho! Drive!" Yeosang shouted after looking out the back window. "Drive, drive!"

Yunho swore under his breath and gunned it. The Illusion's engine roared even louder as she tried to outrace the explosions happening behind them. "What happened?"

"I don't know!" Yeosang shook his head quickly and glanced at his laptop. He was sure he had programmed everything correctly so that only half the bombs would go off. "I- I don't know! Only half of them are showing as detonated."

"Can you stop it?" Yunho yanked on the steering wheel to head toward the exit.

The car shook as rubble continued to pile up behind them. Large cracks started tp appear in the floor, indicating that it too was about to collapse.

"No. I can't."

"Well then hang on, this is going to be close." Yunho kept increasing the speed to drive faster. It was the only way they were going to make it out of this alive. 

At the far end of the room, a few Pack members ran appeared to investigate what was happening. They all stopped and stared with open mouths as the place they called home disappeared before their eyes. Not one of them made an effort to try and stop the car either.

There was no stopping them anyway.

Yeosang grabbed the car handle next to him and sucked in a breath. This was way to fast for his liking, but he could handle it.

A ping came up on his laptop and Yeosang gasped when he noticed it was Mingi trying to contact him. It was the second time too, he must have been so busy with the bombs he missed the first one.

"Mingi?" He asked after singling out his earpiece. "Mingi, can you hear me?" When he didn't get an answer, Yeosang turned up the volume of his earpiece and froze when he heard the chaos on the other side.

"What is happening to them?" Yunho asked, glancing at the laptop with wide eyes.

"I-I'm sure they are fine." Yeosang said, more for himself than anything.  He had to believe that they were going to save Jongho and that everyone was going to be ok...

But any hope he had was gone when sections of the ceiling in front of them started to collapse. A large piece fell right in front of the car and Yunho had to yank on the wheel to swerve around it.

"This is too close!" Yunho growled and swerved around another large piece of cement.

"I know, I know!"

The exit was right in front of them. It was getting closer and closer, all they had to do was go a little further.

Then an explosion went off right next to the car and sent it spinning off to the side. Both Yeosang and Yunho cried out while trying to find something to hold onto.

It took several rotations for the car to finally come to a stop, and thankfully it wasn't because they slammed into anything. However they were still in danger.

Yeosang grabbed his bag and stuffed his laptop inside it before getting out of the car. He slung his pack over his shoulder and ducked his head, protecting the back of it with one of his arms while running around to the other side.

The instinct to fight drove him forward. There was no way he was going to die getting crushed in a car.

"Yunho! Come on!" He shouted over the sound of falling rubble. He could feel smaller bits slamming into his body and tried not to think of the of the bruises they were going to leave.

Yeosang ran around the Illusion and pulled open Yunho's door, then bent over to help pull him free. It was going to be a challenge helping him get out of here, but Yeosang would never leave him behind.

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