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The only sounds the next morning were signs of gear being gathered. Clicks, snaps, fabric rustling, zips. Not a word was spoken, for there was nothing that needed to be said.

The plan was set.

Now, all the team of seven had to do was get into their own mindset so they could be ready for the day ahead of them.

Hongjoong swallowed yet again while pulling the velcro strap on his gloves tight around his wrist. They were a pair of black, leather, fingerless gloves that he had ordered in for everyone. Comfortable but durable.

Everything they had today was as practical as they could get.

Seonghwa and Wooyoung had their special suits on, making it so they needed the least amount of new gear. If they had more time, Hongjoong would have loved to examine them and see if he could make something similar. Maybe one day...

The couple had full access to his arsenal, so Wooyoung had layers of knives strapped to his body along with a few hand guns, while Seonghwa had two rifles, several hand guns, and a few knives of his own.

They were both lethal, which was also why they'd be going in first.

All Hongjoong had been able to provide for the rest of them was bullet proof vests and some padding to be strapped onto their arms and legs. It made them a little bulkier, but they needed to be as safe as possible.

Another snap came from his right and Hongjoong glanced at where Mingi was attaching a belt to his waist that had a small shotgun hanging down from it for easy access. He also had picked a selection of knives, all of which were in sheathed around his hips next to his lock picking set.

None of them knew what dangers they might be facing, so they all needed to be prepared in their own way.

Yeosang had his drones ready to accompany them which could all be controlled by the laptop in his backpack. He was the least armed out of all of them, choosing instead to have his gadgets ready and waiting.

He was going to stay back with San and Yunho, where he could be protected. The three of them would make up the rear of their infiltration since Yunho was still injured.

The driver was doing good at keeping his pain on the down low. Only a random flinch or small hiss of pain gave away the fact that he was struggling. San stayed by his side the entire time, watching his every move and making sure he could get around ok.

Yunho somehow managed to muscle his way through the pain enough to walk, but he was slow moving. If he was attacked he would have a hard time getting away...

There was no stopping him, though, no matter how many times Mingi tried to convince him otherwise.

Dr. Kim had come by with pain killers that he injected directly into Yunho's leg. He was against the idea of the driver leaving as well, but there was no stopping him now, so he said the shots would help for now. Once this was all over Yunho would most likely have to have surgery to help counteract any long lasting effects from the car accident.

And he was more than happy to do that as long as they survived.

"Are we ready?" Yunho asked, spinning in place to look at everyone.

It almost felt weird hearing words in the air. All seven of them paused what they were doing and glanced at each other.

After a few seconds, all eyes fell on Mingi.

Normally Hongjoong would have a hard time handing over control, but Mingi was the one who had brought them all together. He was the glue, the single most important person to all of them.

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