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When the doctor finally came by, Yeosang and Seonghwa where with him while he did the inspection.

"Not mad for your skill set and the tools provided." Dr. Kim said. "Especially with what you've done with San here. I'm impressed."

Yeosang nodded gratefully. "I'm a quick learner, but if there's anything you suggest...".

Dr. Kim bent over and peeled back San's hair again so that he could see Yeosang's handiwork. "No it looks like it's deep enough, and the component you installed fits almost flush with the skin so it won't be a hindrance."

"I didn't want it to be, but he would have been too dangerous if we didn't do this."

"You say there's a chip implanted in his brain that controls him?"

Both Yeosang and Seonghwa nodded. "My father did it." Seonghwa said. "He has the main control with him and the Pack and... it works almost like a switch. When it's on, my father can control what he does."

Dr. Kim hummed and pulled out the chip. "And this is your way to block it?"

"Yes." Yeosang said. "If you'd like to run some diagnostics on it you can, according to Seonghwa, as long as he's asleep he will be fine. And he will stay asleep for as long as we want."

"I think I will. Just to make sure you didn't miss anything." He winked at Yeosang and went over to the computer.

Yeosang sighed and watched as Seonghwa leaned over San and gently ran his fingers through the younger's hair. "Are you alright?"

Seonghwa's eyes dropped down and his shoulders slumped. "I don't know. I- I'm so upset with myself. How could I let this go on for so long?"

"You didn't know any better. Your father is an intimidating man. I wouldn't want to cross him either if I was in your shoes." Yeosang said gently. "San will forgive you with time. If Wooyoung could, then San will."

The older nodded a few times without taking his eyes off San. "Sometimes it felt like we were all each other had. When San wasn't under the control of my father we... Not that it matters now. But it always felt like we were searching for something." He let out a breathy laugh while moving his hand to caress San's cheek. "I really did, and still do, care for him."

Yeosang placed a hand on Seonghwa's shoulder and squeezed. "He knows. This has all been a lot for all of us. We just need to take things slow and decide what we are going to do next. And if it felt like you were searching for something I'd say you both found it."

Seonghwa looked up with a crooked smile. "Yeah, I suppose so. I never thought it would be Woo though. He was right in front of me the entire time... I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to make this up to him..."

"You can't do that to yourself. You didn't know." Yeosang stressed. He wasn't sure what else he could say to convince the older of his words.

Seonghwa just nodded once more. "Let me know when there's any news." He mumbled before leaving the room.

Yeosang watched him go, then turned back to his mini work station he had set up so he could keep watch over his injured friends.

He tapped enter a few times to scroll through the cameras around town. So far, there was no sign of any Pack activity since the ambush on Yunho and San. That worried him... but at the same time it also made sense. The Pack had taken heavy losses at the hands of their team, and with Seonghwa heading the fight, that had to do a lot of damage to them mentally too.

The real question, though, was what were they supposed to do now? With two members seriously injured, there was no way they could continue to fight the Pack.

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