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All Seonghwa could hear was the roar of engines as he zipped down the road with his team. They could be heard from miles away, but at this point none of them cared. Even as they lost the light from the sun and darkness took over.

His father had to know that they were coming by now. His spies were all over the city.

But at least they had the element of some surprise. There was no way he would be expecting them to attack so quickly after Yunho and San had been injured. 

They rounded one final corner and Seonghwa saw the turn off leading to the Pack's complex. There was a long stretch of road they needed to make it down and the main entrance would be right in front of them.

The one thing they had working toward them was the fact that his father didn't feel the need to have a lot of outside security. There were cameras, sure, and a few men with guns, but no elaborate gate to keep others out.

Next to him, Wooyoung sped up a little to fall in line.

The first step would begin soon.

Trees whipped past them at lightning speed, creating a wall of impenetrable black on either side. Soft, amber lights acted as their beacon, calling them to either their victory... or their death.

The second they were past the trees, Seonghwa opened up the throttle and sped forward. Wooyoung mirrored him and the pair broke away from the others.

It was all a ploy to draw attention from Pack members out in the open, but they were also the ones designated to get the front doors open.

Shouts came from around them, but they were ignored.

"Wooyoung, now!" Seonghwa said. He gripped his bike with his knees to keep his balance. Wooyoung moved directly next to him and reached over to grab the right handle of his bike, keeping control of the throttle.

"Got it." Wooyoung said through gritted teeth. This was going to be a tricky few minutes for him, but it was essential that he kept his balance, otherwise he risked killing both him and Seonghwa.

The older took a deep breath, then let go of his own bike so he could sit up straight. He pulled his sniper rifle from his back, then tucked it into his shoulder. Yeosang had helped modify it into a more specialized gun. It was already loaded with the clip he needed, so he lined up the shot, without using the scope, and angled himself to the left to fire of three quick rounds into the three separate garages.

Each one erupted in a column of flames.

Seonghwa smirked. Yeosang's explosive rounds had worked perfectly.

A few screams came from inside one of the garages, and for a second, Seonghwa felt horrible for doing this to them. This used to be the place he called home, they used to be the people he called family.

But things were different now.

Mingi had opened his eyes to how he had been trapped here. He had spent one night dwelling on all the awful things he had done for his father. All the deaths, all the violence... and he had enjoyed some of it. He had liked the power he had within the Pack.

Seonghwa knew he would spend the rest of his life trying to cope with the evil he had let himself be influenced by.

Tonight was a start.

The next shot was the front doors. Seonghwa swiveled easily and fired another round at the main door, which also exploded in a wave of fire.

"Alright, we are in." Wooyoung said while returning to fully control his own bike.

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