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Seonghwa took a deep breath before walking into his father's office. He knew he was going to get an ear full for not being able to get more information on Hongjoong. He hadn't been expecting to, the man was incredibly smart. It wasn't going to be easy to bring him down.

But being second in charge of the Pack came with a lot of responsibility. There were times he wished things could be different, but it was too late to turn back now.

His father was sitting behind his desk flipping through a file that he immediately shut when he noticed Seonghwa standing in front of the closed door.

There were secrets even he didn't know...

"Come forward."

"Father, I can explain." Seonghwa stepped forward and waited for his father to motion for him to sit.

"No need. San already relayed all the information I needed."

Seonghwa flinched. His father sounded upset, and for him to be watching everything through San meant this had been a more important mission than he originally thought.

No wonder he hadn't seen San since they arrived home... He must be getting his routine checkup to make sure everything was still functioning properly.

"There has to be something we are missing. I don't understand how that son of a bitch can keep eluding us like this. But then again his father did too." His father smirked. "That is, until I finally caught him and destroyed him. I'll do the same thing to his son."

"What are you planning, Father?"

"All in good time. You did well tonight, even though you didn't get any results."

The praise was unexpected, but Seonghwa didn't want to argue with him.

"I have a few things I need to go do tonight. San will be going with me."

"What? Why?" Seonghwa's eyes widened. He couldn't remember a time that San had ever accompanied his father on a mission.

"I'm in need of his talents tonight. Don't worry, I'll keep him safe." His father sat back in his chair and smirked. "But I do feel bad taking your form of enjoyment from you for the evening, so I left you mine in your room." He stood up and nodded.

Seonghwa stood as well and they both bowed their heads, then his father walked around to give him a hug before departing for the night.

He stood there for a long moment after the door closed just processing everything that was going on.

His father had too many secrets and too many plans... and for him to not even include his own son in them was a big deal. Normally Seonghwa was privy to all of his meetings and ideas. For him to be hiding this...

Seonghwa shook his head and left through the back door of his father's office.

To say he wasn't intrigued by the fact that his father's toy was waiting for him in his room was a complete lie. Part of him always wondered what it was about Wooyoung that made his father keep him around for so long. Hell, they had practically been raised together since they were boys.

Not that they ever actually got to socialize, but Wooyoung had always been present.

And when he wasn't covered in bruises he was definitely attractive.

Seonghwa felt himself getting excited the closer he got to his room.

When he stepped inside, he was surprised to see Wooyoung tied to a chair, blindfolded, and waiting for him.

For a moment, pity rose up within Seonghwa and he had half a mind to just leave.

But he was his father's son, and temptation was something both of them were weak to.

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