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Yunho would never be able to explain what made him do it, but the second he saw how scared San looked once he realized what was going on...

It reminded him exactly of Yuri.

After her 'bad spells', as she would call them, she always had this petrified look on her face that broke Yunho's heart.

When he closed the door behind him after stepping into the bedroom, San visibly jumped and moved away from him. His head flicked around the room and jerked back and forth like a cornered animal.

Which to some extent, he was.

Yunho felt so guilty when he turned the lock on the door. But this needed to be done. "San?" He asked gently.

The younger turned to look at him with wide eyes. His entire body looked like it was trembling.

"Here." Yunho held out the bottle pills and water, then took a step back when San accepted them. "I think the best thing for you to do right now is rest."

"I think the best thing right now is for you to tell me what the hell is going on."

Yunho's eyebrows rose in surprise. He hadn't expected San to have a bite to him, but if he was being honest, he liked it. "That's fair. I'll tell you what I know, but it's not a pleasant story." He watched as San swallowed three of the bills, then reached up for the headband. "I wouldn't take that off if I were you, unless you want the voices to take over again."

San paused and looked at him. "Voices?"

"Yeah, the ones that control you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Sit, please." Yunho said gently, motioning to the bed. "I'll tell you everything I know."





Hongjoong ran his fingers down the page of script he held in his hands. It was the newest orders for the black market that night and he instantly knew it was going to be a productive evening.

If he could make enough money over the next few nights, he would have enough to buy all the extra security systems, weapons, and tools he needed to make sure the Pack never touched him again. It was something he had been striving to attain for years.

But he kept falling short!

No matter how much money he brought in, there always seemed to be something that drained his assets.

Hongjoong had been monitoring it closely too. He wasn't sure what it was, but just when he thought he had enough, money seemed to disappear from his accounts.

The hard thing was that there were a couple of other people who worked for him who had access to the accounts to purchase items for their auctions.

Maybe he needed to start putting more money into his personal accounts, but he knew that was a risk too, and it could hurt his business.

"Nice, there are some good weapons here." He muttered to himself while flipping the switch to send out his signal.

When he set the paper down, he glanced at the front door and for some reason his mind wandered to the tall stranger that had asked him about the book he was reading.

There was something about the tone of the man's voice that still haunted him. There was so much pain and longing there...

Hongjoong shook his head. Why was he even thinking about something like that? He so many other things he needed to be concerned about right now.

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