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Mingi tried to keep his emotions under control during the entire time Yeosang asked him questions. He failed almost right away, but he just prayed that would make everything he was saying seem more sincere.

Even though he had told his story a couple of times already, for whatever reason this time was harder.

Yeosang sat across from him, stone-faced and eye flicking between Mingi's face and the machine he had Mingi hooked to.

At first, Yeosang didn't ask any questions either other than for Mingi to tell his story. Both he and Jongho sat next to each other and watched his every move. Yunho also stood behind them and listened carefully.

Because of this, Mingi went into even more detail than he had with Yunho. He went over all the interviews, trainings, and each member's story.

He watched as Jongho eyes narrowed in a glare when he started talking about them becoming friends and Jongho disclosing his story to everyone. It was even worse when Mingi started talking about Yeosang.

It warmed Mingi's heart that at least two of them had ended up happy. He would have never guessed it would be Jongho and Yeosang after things had been so tense between them.

Hours passed by in what felt like minutes. It was hard to stop talking once he truly started, even if he had to force the words out through his tears.

The only times Yeosang showed any emotion was first when Mingi started talking about the guilt Yeosang had felt when Seonghwa and Wooyoung were taken after the break in. His eyes flashed to the ground and he tilted his head in Jongho's direction just a fraction of an inch. 

"It wasn't your fault." Mingi said gently, trying to keep his voice as sincere as possible. "It was all a perfect setup because of San. He was so easily controlled but none of us knew about it until it was too late."

"Controlled how?" Yeosang asked. He leaned forward and scrunched his nose a little.

"Well we had a doctors come in to test him to try and diagnose whatever was causing the split personality he had. It was discovered he had a chip implanted in his brain. We never found out how or why, but it allowed the Pack to take over his mind and control him. You actually came up with a way to block their signals."

"I did?"

Mingi nodded. "Don't ask me how or for any information. You are way to smart for me. But you made some kind of head band," Mingi started gesturing to his own head, "and on it was a little chip that rested right above the chip in San's head. Something in it allowed him to regain control." Mingi glanced at Yunho next. "You actually worked with him to help block out his demons too. I think he pictured locking the voices in his head behind a door. That seemed to be what helped him the most."

Yeosang sat back in his chair and rubbed his neck. "That sounds like something I could do. Continue."

"There's no way you believe this, do you?" Jongho asked, standing up quickly.

"I don't know what I believe yet." Yeosang snapped while giving the younger a harsh look. But then his gaze softened and he reached out to take Jongho's hand.

Mingi's lips quirked slightly when he saw Jongho relax and let out a sigh before sitting back down.

Once he was settled, Yeosang turned back to Mingi and nodded. "Continue."

The next couple of hours was filled with Mingi talking again as he went over the police turning on them and their hasty escape, and then the two different encounters with the Pack. It was obvious that all three of them were dying to ask him questions, but he was grateful that they let him get to the end of that story and begin his for this life.

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