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All of them flashed before his eyes as he watched Mercer grab Wooyoung's chin.

The man had ruined everything! He didn't deserve to live anymore.


Mingi released his hold on the handcuffs he had unlocked a long time ago and charged forward. His yelling, surprising movement, and speed all had Mercer frozen to the spot, allowing Mingi to tackle him.

They stumbled backward and slammed into Mercer's desk, sending everything on top flying in all directions. "You bastard!!"

Mercer exhaled sharply, indicating the wind had been knocked out of him. Mingi used this to climb on top of him and pin him. He then pulled back his right arm and threw all his strength into the punch he executed next.

The feeling of his fist connecting with Mercer's cheek sent a thrill threw Mingi that he had longed for since he first remembered what Mercer had done.

Behind him, the others were quick to act as well.

Both Seonghwa and Hongjoong rolled away on the floor while folding their legs to slip them through their arms, bringing their hands in front of them.

Seonghwa was the first to get on his feet. He squared off against one of the Pack members and ducked under the man's arm. Keeping his own hands close to his chest since they were still cuffed together, he easily wove back and forth to dodge punch after punch.

When the man winded himself enough that his swings slowed, Seonghwa jabbed both his hands forward at once. They slammed into the man's face, breaking his nose and sending him stumbling backward, which allowed Seonghwa to crouch down and kick the man's legs out from under him.

It was only a few more seconds before he ran forward and brought his heel down against the man's, slicing it open with the blade he had hidden in the sole of his show.

Blood spurted everywhere, coating the dark carpets beneath him.

Thinking quickly, Seonghwa spun in a circle to gain some momentum and kicked the body toward a female advancing on Hongjoong, knocking her to the ground and allowing him to bend over and snap her neck.

They exchanged a quick nod before heading to their next target.

San cried out while trying to jab his elbow into Jongho's side. The two of them grappled with each other, forcing them to spin in a small circle while each tried to gain the upper hand.

"Stop fighting me!" Jongho growled, bending forward to try and bend San even further in half. "You know your life was better here."

"No. It was all a lie!" San lifted his arms up to grab Jongho's, then threw his weight forward. The younger was focusing so much on holding San that he wasn't focused on his own balance. With the sudden shift, San was able to throw Jongho over his shoulder and flat on his back.

Jongho exhaled sharply and placed a hand over his chest. His face was scrunched in pain.

San knew he had winded the fighter. He fell forward so that he was straddling Jongho's waist. It made Jongho cry out in surprise, then gasp for air.

As horrible as it was, San needed all the help he could get right now. He lunged forward to try and get at the headband hidden in Jongho's hair. If he could just get it off, maybe everything would fix itself and Jongho would be back on their side.

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