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Hurry up!! Restrain him!

Jongho grunted as he and Wooyoung grappled on the floor. The boy kept trying to pick up his discarded knives, so Jongho had to focus on his hands as well and watching for any other kind of attack.

Don't harm him. Boss wants him for himself. He will pay dearly for this.

"Stop struggling!" Jongho snapped. 

Wooyoung growled and swung his legs to try and knock Jongho off him. There was a feral look in his eyes, one of desperation and panic. It was easy to see that he had no intention of stopping, just as he had no intention of being taken.

Help is coming. Keep him there.

"Woo, please stop." Seonghwa called out from behind them. There was a strain in his voice that told Jongho he was about to snap as well. His concern for the boy would be his weakness.

"You better listen to him." Jongho growled. He caught just a hint of hesitancy from the older and grabbed his wrists to finally pin him to the floor. "Things aren't looking pretty for you."

"Let me go!" Wooyoung started to buck beneath him. He did everything in his power to try and free himself, but Jongho was just too strong.

Tears started to collect in Wooyoung's eyes. Big, fat tears of hatred and fear. He was about to break.

And Jongho knew exactly what he needed to do.

He leaned forward so that his lips were right next to Wooyoung's ear, then whispered, "He can't wait to see you again."

The body below him froze. Only the slightest tremble came from it. When Jongho lifted his head, he smirked when he saw that the tears in Wooyoung's eyes were silently rolling down the sides of his face while he stared blankly at the ceiling.

Well done.

"What did you do to him?!" Seonghwa roared. A few cries from Pack members followed and Jongho looked over his shoulder to see Seonghwa trying to pull away from the men holding him. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

Jongho reached over to pick up one of the knives on the ground and placed the tip of it against Wooyoung's jugular. "Stop." He ordered.

The power behind his voice made everyone, even the Pack, freeze. Everyone stared at him with wide eyes, and he held their attention until more help arrived.

In a matter of seconds, Seonghwa, San, Hongjoong, and Mingi were all handcuffed behind their backs.

Seonghwa never took his eyes off where Wooyoung was still laying on the floor. It looked like he wanted to call to the boy, but the words never quite left his mouth.

You've served us well. You will be rewarded once this is over.

Jongho smiled to himself as he leaned over to life Wooyoung off the ground. He didn't bother handcuffing the boy when he felt just how limp his body was. All the fight had left it. He threw Wooyoung over his shoulder and proceeded to walk down the hall to where their final destination would be.





San's eyes narrowed as they started to move again. He had picked up on all the signs instantly.

Jongho was hearing the voices too.

The mere thought of hearing those vile things in his head again made him want to vomit. He could taste the bile in the back of his throat.

So much for having a plan... they hadn't expected retaliation this quickly. The only thing they could hope for now was Yunho and Yeosang planting the bombs and cutting Mercer off from whatever he was hiding on the lower floors.

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