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The street was almost pitch black, adding a foreboding feeling over the neighborhood. It was a run down area already that had stations set up for homeless people to sleep.

Which just meant there was an even higher risk of crime happening.

Gunshots were a nightly sound that was joined by the occasional scream.

It was something that had stopped phasing Yunho a long time ago.

He grunted while shoving his shoulder against his front door and stumbled inside his run down one-story house. If it could even be called a house...

The faded white paint was chipping on the outside and a few of the siding panels had fallen off as well. His windows were boarded up, only because most of them had bullet holes in them and he didn't feel like paying to have them replaced.

"Damn, fucking door." Yunho grunted again as he shoved it closed. He didn't even bother locking it.

There was nothing worthwhile in his home to even steal. It was basically a place for him to sleep at night and that was it.

Although he did have his hidden stash of winnings from his races. He set the bundle of cash in his hand down on the kitchen counter and shifted his refrigerator a few feet to the side to reveal a hole in the ground.

Yunho had spent time digging it himself. There was no way he was going to trust any bank with is money. Not with them all sucking the Wolf Pack's dicks.

No, everything was cash only. 

He bent over and pulled out a burlap sack and dropped his winnings in, not bothering to count or check on anything.

Only because he didn't really care.

After pushing the fridge back in place, he opened up the freezer portion of it and grabbed the bottle of vodka he kept in there and took three large swigs from it before returning it to its place.

Just a little something to take the edge off...

When his head started to get fuzzy, he turned around and leaned against the counter for support.

Yunho liked this feeling. It was a peaceful way to disconnect from the constant pain in his life, and in the complete opposite way racing did.

But soon he felt his body begging for sleep, he dragged himself to the blowup mattress in the corner of the living room.

Why bother setting up a bedroom when he only slept for a few hours at a time?

Insomnia was a bitch.

And even when his weary body melted into the semi-inflated mattress, Yunho still found himself staring at the ceiling. His heart constricted, just like it always did whenever he took the time to rest.

The crushing emptiness that slammed into him made Yunho curl into a ball and cup his ears.


He was always alone now.

"Please, just let me sleep! Leave me alone!" He slammed the heels of his hands into his head when the visions that haunted him started with flash in quick sequence. "I don't want to see you anymore!"

When they would've leave, he shoved himself off the bed and grabbed his keys from the kitchen counter.

This was why he couldn't sleep at night. All he saw was visions of that horrible night... it made him sick. Both physically and mentally.

Yunho knew he wasn't all there anymore.

He slammed his door behind him and hurried to the one part of his pitiful property that he actually cared about.

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