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Everything happened so fast...

One second, San was looking in the rear view mirror to see how close the cars behind them were, and the next his entire world was spinning.

The car hit them at just a bit of an angle, so even though it slammed into San's door, it sent them spinning in a tight circle for several meters.

He instantly registered pain in his right leg and shoulder, but that was quickly forgotten when they clipped a curb and started cartwheeling over and over and over.

A hand pressed up against his chest at one point, keeping him pressed back to his seat, and then his face was engulfed by the airbag.

It took every ounce of control in his body to not let it flop around like a rag doll. But San knew they were in bad shape.

The car only stopped rolling when it slammed into a pole. It hit with enough force in the drivers side that the car bent around it a little.

Everything was fuzzy when San tried to open his eyes. Something went dripped on his cheek and he barely registered that he was upside down.

"Yun..." His throat was scratchy when he tried to speak. He blinked several times and slowly turned his head to look at Yunho.

The driver was unconscious and barely hanging from his seat. It looked like there was shrapnel embedded in his shoulder and chest...

"Yun..." He tried again.

He could still hear the ringing in his ears. There was also pressure building somewhere.

Something started to shake the car and he turned to see a few pairs of legs outside his window. Someone was bent over and trying to open his door.

San squeezed his eyes shut and licked his lips. They tasted like blood...

A groan came from next to him and he looked back at Yunho. The driver looked just as dazed as he felt. "Yun..."


The pressure started building even more and San whimpered. His eyes started searching for the headband. It must have fallen off in the crash.

San. We've missed you.

"N-No." He forced out.

Yunho groaned again and San wanted to lean into him for strength.

But the door next to him was finally yanked open and hands were dragging him from the wreckage. "Yun... N-No... S-S-Stop..."

Don't fight them, San. They are trying to help you. They are going to bring you home.

San wanted nothing more than to fight the hands holding him. They dragged him away from the car and laid him on his back to examine him. One complained to another about being more careful with the hit next time, another urged them to hurry.

He screamed when someone touched his shoulder.

You're going to be ok, San. We are going to protect you. Take a deep breath.

He did. The voices were a comfort he didn't realize he needed right now. They were soft and comforting, like they were waiting for him with open arms.

But that wasn't right... He didn't want them anymore. San turned his head to the side and reached for the car with his left hand. Yunho was still in there. He needed to save him.

No San. He will only hurt you. Leave him to die. He stole you from us!

But he didn't. San wanted to scream or call out, anything to even make sure that Yunho was alive. Tears pooled in his eyes as he continued to reach out.

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