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The next couple of weeks passed in almost a blur for the group of eight. Things were still uneasy between them, but they pushed past it to try and come up with a solid game plan.

Or... as much of a game plan as they could.

In the mix of things, Yunho felt a little lost. He didn't really know how to fight, he wasn't some high tech genius like Yeosang, all he could do was drive... So he became a bit of a middle man and just lent his help to whoever needed him at the time.

A lot of it ended up being with Yeosang and San. The hacker had acted like a giddy school boy when Hongjoong showed him all the gear he had set aside to sell and made quick work of setting up another command station to start observing the area. There were several drones, infrared cameras, motion detectors, and motion sensors that he had access too.

Yunho ended up setting a few of them up around the perimeter of Hongjoong's shop after he and Jongho cleaned everything up. It still needed to stay open during the day, so when Hongjoong wasn't down helping him, he was up there manning the counter like normal to keep up the pretense that nothing had changed.

Yeosang had set up alarms to be set off if anything was triggered and always had at least two drones flying above the city to keep an eye on things.

When he wasn't watching those, he was fiddling with San's headband.

Whatever he had done had worked, because San was starting to remember a few things and he hadn't heard the voices in his head for several days now.

Yunho hated hearing about those... He couldn't imagine what it would be like to have someone ordering him around like that and he was so thankful that Yeosang had managed to fix it.

Right now San was sitting in a chair with his eyes closed. The headband wasn't on, and hadn't been for almost a half an hour now, so he was trying to keep his head clear.

"I'm almost done." Yeosang said as he poked the microchip on the head back with a soldering gun. He was trying to add a protective layer around it just in case it fell off San's head or he tripped and fell. "Are you doing ok?"

"Mmmmm... It's fuzzy." San muttered, scrunching up his forehead.

Yunho reached out and took his hand. "Just a little longer, Sannie. You're doing so good."

The younger opened his eyes and locked onto Yunho. A peaceful look crossed his face and he instantly relaxed. Ever since they had been together, Yunho was the only thing that would help San stay calm during these visits with Yeosang.

After the first one, the headband had only been off for a minute when San started muttering to himself and shaking his head.

It was a horrible sight to see and Yeosang had immediately stopped what he was doing to replace the band on San's head.

They then took the next several minutes to talk about what had happened, and San said it was like someone was trying to force their way into his head.

"They must be constantly scanning for you." Seonghwa said from where he appeared in the corner. He stepped forward, sporting a face of concern, but stopped when San stood up and glared at him.

"Oh you think?" San growled. "I wonder why that is?"

Seonghwa gave him a defeated look and just nodded his head before leaving.

They hadn't really spoken since.

Yunho could understand why though. For Seonghwa to know about this... it made his stomach churn. If it wasn't for the mission he'd give Seonghwa a piece of his mind. And fist.

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