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Mingi ran forward as soon as San passed out and took him in his arms as soon as he was lowered down. "San? San, can you hear me?" He asked gently, rocking him back and forth.

"He's out cold. Come on, let's get him upstairs." Yeosang said gently, placing a hand on Mingi's shoulder.

The taller nodded and the group of four returned to the loft that Jongho and Yeosang called their home.

As much as it pained him, Mingi allowed Jongho to tie San to a chair. Before he had blacked out, Mingi had caught him yelling for someone to not leave him, and he recognized the look in San's eyes. He had been under full control of the Pack.

"So what now?" Yunho asked, coming to stand next to him.

Mingi glanced at the drover and for a moment hoped that he would see a spark of recognition in the older's eyes. But there was nothing but concern and confusion. "I don't know." Mingi sighed. "We have him now, and this was definitely unexpected. Do you think you could get started on that headband then Yeosang?"

The hacker pursed his lips and nodded. "Let me get some scans so I can see what I'm working with. As long as it's not anything too complicated I should be able to make something fairly quickly."

"Great. I'll keep watch and make sure he doesn't do anything to try and hurt himself." Mingi said, pulling up another chair.

"I'm going to go lock up and make sure everything is ok downstairs." Jongho muttered, but he did stop long enough to press a kiss to the side of Yeosang's head before disappearing from the room.

Mingi smiled when he saw the hacker blush a little even though he never turned away from the machine he was getting hooked up to San's head. It made him happy to see that someone ended up in a good place this life.

If he was being honest, though, he could feel jealousy tugging at his heart too. He missed feeling Hongjoong next to him so much. And he knew it was selfish, but sometimes he still wished he had forgotten too.

But there was a reason he didn't, and he was determined to make sure he took down the Pack and fixed everything that was wrong in this world.

Yunho came to sit next to him and leaned forward so that his elbows were braced on his knees and he could lean forward. "So this is him?" He asked quietly.

Mingi nodded and glanced at the older. "Yeah. This is him."

"I heard him say 'don't leave'. I'm guessing he was talking about the voices?"

"I don't know, but that would be my assumption too." Mingi kept studying Yunho and noticed that he appeared to be taking in every detail of San's body, and as he did, his ears started to turn red. "Hopefully we can get them turned off so that we can help him. I don't think it's going to be pretty though. If that bastard has had control of him for a long time it may be hard to convince him to join us."

"But if he does, he could help us get to the other two."

"Assuming that Wooyoung is there, yes."

"You know," Yeosang interjected while still performing his scans, "I've been thinking about that. I can program his name into my system and see if it pops up in any data bases. I can make sure to hack into all the, um, whore... houses around here too." Yeosang cleared his throat and shifted in place. "They have to keep record of who they have somewhere."

"That would be great, thank you." Mingi sighed.

"What if we don't find him? What if there's no record of him anywhere?" Yunho finally looked away from San and pressed his lips together in a thin line. "Are you going to be ok with that?"

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