chapter ten.

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Short Notice.

All places, time, events and settings are fictional.

"Are you sure you're okay, Takara? Because I feel like you aren't."

"Ni-ki, I swear I'm okay, 'kay? I was just feeling something strange."  Takara reassured. It was normal for Ni-ki to worry about her well-being and Takara feels light knowing that he's concerned about her.

Ni-ki bit his inner lip and nodded. He walked closer to her and rested his hand on her shoulder. "Listen. If anything is bothering you, just tell me. I'm here for you as you're captain and friend."

Her captain's words made her day a whole lot better. Well not until he mentioned the word friend. It kinda ruined everything but at the same time, she still feels grateful. And she wanted to see more of this side from Ni-ki.

Takara wanted to let him know that she too, will always be there for him as well.

Takara couldn't hold it any longer and pulled Ni-ki into a hug, making Ni-ki freeze from the sudden action. He has known Takara well and never has she seen her being this bold, but he doesn't mind, Ni-ki knew that she really needed the comfort. He did hesitate for a short while but he managed to hug the girl back.

As for Takara, she warmly smiled in his embrace. She wanted to do this for so long but she felt shy and nervous, she didn't want him to feel awkward right after, so she held back a bit. But this looked like a right time to do so, so she gathered her courage and hugged him as tight as she can.

Takara didn't want to let go.

"You're such an amazing and sweet person, Ni-ki. I'm so glad I have you." she uttered. Ni-ki's lips parted but instantly turned to a smile. He lightly patted Takara's head and let her hug him for as long as she wants. Besides, no one was watching them anyways.

Or so they thought.

Little did they know, Saeyoung saw the whole thing. She didn't know why but she felt her heart broke seeing them together. A tear escaped from her eye but Saeyoung immediately wiped it away.

Why was she crying? Saeyoung thought to herself.

Why did she feel heartbroken?

Why did she felt weight on her chest?

Why does she feel so sad?

All those Why's wondered around Saeyoung's head. She felt stupid. She felt dumb. She questioned herself on why would she even feel the harsh gravity that kept on pulling her heart down to break into bits.

Saeyoung doesn't even have a crush on him.

So again, why would she?

"I just wanted to let you know that you're a kind-hearted and strong willed girl, Takara. Thank you so much for always having my back."  Takara felt butterflies in her stomach after hearing Ni-ki's comment. Takara felt how grateful and happy he was and that made her blush.

Still holding back, Takara admits to herself that she wanted to be with Ni-ki. She wanted to be his girl.

One Week Later;
1st Dance Competition of the Year.
( PPSSDC 2O21 )

It has been one hectic week of preparation of the dance team for their first competition of the year. They trained and practiced for hours, days and sacrificed they're time just to prepare and represent their school in one of the best events they all have been waiting for.

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