chapter twelve.

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Saeyoung stood there frozen.

She was just cleaning the lenses of her camera and out of the blue she got slapped right in the cheek. What's ironic is, she wasn't even with with anyone, she was alone sitting in a small bench in the hallway.

Saeyoung tried to turn her head at the person who suddenly attacked her but before she could, Saeyoung got pulled by the hair.

"You're a fucking flirt! Just because you're good looking does not mean you could go and flirt with someone's guy!"  the girl angrily explained. She held a more tighter grip to Saeyoung's hair, making Saeyoung groan in pain.

"What the fuck is she even talking about?"  Saeyoung thought to herself. She haven't even met her nor did Saeyoung do anything wrong to her. They barely even met and the first meet seems to be going on a fight.   "I don't know about what you're talking about but I already know that I'm good looking so no need to repeat it sweetie pie."  Saeyoung joked.

The girl heeved a frustrated sigh.  "It wasn't a compliment you bitch!" she got pissed and immediately dragged Saeyoung by the hair, harshly pushed her down with full force.

As Saeyoung fell down, she couldn't miss the idea that her head got hit by the hard metallic bench she was sitting at earlier. When she got her head hit, the metallic bench gave out a not so loud sound that can be heard by the people right near it.

Saeyoung held her head and groaned in pain. She had her eyes tightly closed and her knees right close to her chest. If she could be able to stand up or could even be able to think properly, she would've fought back by now.

"Roh Saeyoung!"

"Kim Aemi!"

Two voices called out, approaching the two girls.

Saeyoung wanted to stand up. She did not want to see her friends looking so pathetic, weak and pitiful like this. If only, she wasn't in much pain.

Nina and Ni-ki ran quickly to Saeyoung and Aemi with another boy from Juggyeok Academy following them. Nina and Ni-ki was looking everywhere for Saeyoung but they got shocked when they see her laying down on the floor with a girl just staring at her figure.

"Saeyoung!" Nina went down beside Saeyoung and supported her back just so she could be able to sit up. Saeyoung has her head resting on Nina's shoulder while Ni-ki held Saeyoung's arm with a worried expression.

"Babe, isn't she that stupid girl who you said, flirted with you earlier?" the girl pointed to Saeyoung. Mogyu turned his head to Saeyoung who was having a hard time sitting up.

"Saeyoung!" another voice called, catching the attention of the people there, except Saeyoung.

Nina and Mogyu were shocked seeing Soul who just arrived in the scene while Ni-ki gave him a glare. As for Aemi, she wasn't expecting too much people and it annoyed her, she thought if Saeyoung was someone special that she has to have many accomplices around her.

Soul softened at the view of Saeyoung who looks like was having a hard time  as Ni-ki assisted her in sitting down on the bench instead of the floor, then Nina was checking Saeyoung's head for any injuries. Facing away from Saeyoung, Soul has his fist balled at the sight of Yun Mogyu, Mogyu looked down not wanting to face Soul from eye to eye.

"You again!? I already told you to stay away from Saeyoung!" Soul grabbed Mogyu by the collar and lifted him up a few feet.  "What did you do to her? Why is she in that state?"

"Yah! Let my boyfriend go!" Aemi tried helping Mogyu but got pushed away by Nina.

"Don't interfere! It's they're fight. Not yours so shut up!" commanded Nina. Thankfully, Aemi listened.

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