chapter fifteen.

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"I'm so sorry Saeyoung."

"Yeah, we didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable back at the restaurant."

"Saeyoungah~ please for give me!"

Going back inside the dome to the designated practice room of Adroit's Dance Team to meet Nina and the others, Saeyoung was immediately bombarded with apologies from her friends. The conversation back when they were eating lunch did make her feel uncomfortable but she just can't resist her friends now does she?

Saeyoung gave a small smile and nodded. "It's fine. I don't really blame you from all the teasing earlier." recalling her actions whenever she'd be with Ni-ki, feels like it was always a bit more than the usual boy-girl friendship. To the fact now that her friends are misunderstanding they're relationship. But then again, Saeyoung was thinking that maybe this is how boys from japan acts with their friends who are girls.

Their culture is very different so possibilities are high.

"But are you sure that there's nothing else going between you two?" Ze Yu questioned once more before getting nudged in the gut by Songyee, who now was groaning in pain.

The female nodded once more. "Yep! Me and Nishimura Riki are just friends." she clarified.

As Saeyoung sat on a arm chair, she jumped when someone heavily placed an energy drink in front of her. She looked up to see Nishimura Riki standing right before her, looking down right at her. "You should take a sip of that, it'll help you regain energy." he said.

"T-Thanks." Saeyoung slowly grabbed the drink given to her, and started drinking. The sudden appearance of Ni-ki made her heart skip a beat. When she was talking with Songyee and her team, she wasn't aware that Ni-ki and his friends had already entered the room, Saeyoung panicked recalling what she has said earlier about her and Ni-ki's relationship.

Ni-ki smiled, watching Saeyoung. He grabbed the closest arm chair he could find and sat right next to the girl. "Are you feeling a lot better? Or do you still feel dizzy or something?" Saeyoung choked at his question making the japanese boy laugh at the scene.

"What's so funny?"

Ni-ki showed a gummy smile. "Nothing. Did you sleep well earlier at the bus?" he questioned again, but this time it made Saeyoung cough. Ni-ki looked at her with a concern look. He started rubbing the girl's back and for Saeyoung it isn't helping, she could feel herself blushing.

Saeyoung thought that this wasn't really doing her any good, especially now that Ni-ki is showing his small care and concern. From all the people inside the room, she asked on why it had to be Ni-ki who had to rub her back. For Saeyoung, Ni-ki is helping her throw-up butterflies instead.

"Ni-ki come on!"

Ni-ki turned to see Takara calling for him. He nodded and turned to Saeyoung. "Hey umm, I gotta go. Me and Takara needs to go somewhere quick." Saeyoung vigorously nodded, covering her mouth. At this time, she was quietly thanking Takara, Saeyoung did not want Ni-ki to see her flushed face because that would be embarrassing.

Ni-ki gave a quick bow and ran off to Takara's side. He did not hesitate to hold her arm and left the room with Ni-ki leading the way. Takara looked excited and happy as she let the boy drag her away.

"So, friends huh?" Ze Yu turned to Saeyoung with a sly grin.

"Hey! Is you're name Saeyoung?" at the mention of her name, Saeyoung turned around to see an unfamiliar boy. She has never seen him before, making her curious on why someone she barely even met knows her name. Hopefully she isn't being stalked by some students from other schools.

𝒇𝒊𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 ━━ nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now