chapter seventeen.

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The atmosphere between Ni-ki and Saeyoung has been quiet and awkward on their way to the girl's house. Saeyoung walked slowly, holding her phone and listening to music from her ear piece in the left ear while Ni-ki trailed the girl from behind staring at her the whole time.

Ni-ki let out a small breathe and gathered up his confidence. He planned on taking her home not just because he cares for her but he did it so that they could be able to talk things out and of course, make sure that Saeyoung made it back home safely. He went right beside her and tapped on the female's shoulder, "S-Saeyoung, what do you plan to be when you finally graduated?"

Saeyoung turned her head to Ni-ki. "Umm, probably a prosecutor." She straightly answered. She does have to admit that she still felt shy around the boy but she didn't really want to make it obvious. "How about you? What will you do after graduating?"

Ni-ki gave a side small side grin, looking down with two of his hands inside of his front pocket. "To be honest, I still haven't thought about it yet. I was thinking, maybe a Dance Instructor? But that probably doesn't really pay high enough to help my family back in Okayama, but who knows right?"

At the mention of his family, Saeyoung felt a bit sad for Ni-ki. He must be homesick. She was thinking on how hard it was for a boy at a young age was able to adapt a culture that he was unfamiliar of, without the guidance of his family. Ni-ki must have sacrificed a lot of things.

She slowly nodded at his answer. "I see. But if you do graduate, are you going back to Japan? Or are you going to pursue a career here in Korea?" the girl questioned out of the blue, because somehow Saeyoung wanted to know what was his future plans and she wanted to be there to cheer him on.

"I'd probably be going back to my hometown." Saeyoung wasn't really surprised at all by Ni-ki's reply, if she were in Ni-ki's shoes, she too would want to go back to her hometown and see her family. "But if a promising career is going to be open for me here in Seoul, then I might consider staying instead, and visit my family every once in awhile." he added.

"That's a good plan." she commented.

Again, silence took over. But at least now they weren't much awkward like they were a few minutes ago. Saeyoung doesn't know why but she felt talkative and she wanted to more about the japanese boy, she didn't really want to be seen as annoying but right now, she couldn't really help but ask and wonder. Hopefully he won't get mad at her. "Hey, did you ever think of creating you're very own dance studio or company in Japan? Or in Korea?"

Ni-ki chuckled at her question. He nodded at the girl, "Actually I did. But I'm not sure if I should make the first branch in Seoul or Okayama."

"You're really passionate when it comes to dance huh?"

The boy nodded. "Of course! Dancing means everything to me Saeyoung. And nobody can take that away from me."

Saeyoung looked down and smiled to herself. She hasn't met a boy who was this passionate about something and it made her fall more deeper. She feels so clueless on why, but Saeyoung has to admit that she finds Ni-ki attractive in this side, but she also can't deny that he's 10x more handsome when gets up on stage and perform. He's a monster when he dances.

The girl flashed Ni-ki and cheerful smile. "I'm no dancer but if you do open up a company or dance studio of you're own, then expect that someday in the near future, I'd bring my future kids there and let them learn on how to dance, so that they could be as great as the oh so famous, Nishimura Riki."

Ni-ki jokingly rolled his eyes at the female's words, which earned him a light slap in the shoulder by Saeyoung causing the two to laugh.

"You're kids or, ours?"

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