chapter twenty.

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"Just please don't answer him."

Saeyoung pursued her lips.  "I'm not promising you, anything." finally shutting the door, Saeyoung slid down and sighed. It has only been a day since she was gone and then her emotions no doubt, got mixed up out of nowhere after the small flashbacks of the recent events that has happened tonight.

This isn't what she was expecting at all.

Giving out a small breathe to release the stress, the girl stood up and went upstairs to go freshen' up and get ready for bed. It was one long night and one good relaxing sleep might help once she wakes up in the morning.

Following her nightly routine, Saeyoung couldn't stop thinking. Questions circulated her head, Doubts engulfing her mind and her heart ached. Now she was wondering if she should continue having feelings for Ni-ki, she wants to but it felt like she shouldn't because it was somehow wrong. Saeyoung does not wish to ruin the relationship Ni-ki has with Takara.

If she thinks it through and Saeyoung did end up with Ni-ki, Takara has something to fight for. Takara can give good reasons on why Ni-ki should have been with her rather than Saeyoung.

In Saeyoung's case, she was hopeless.

ring! ring! ring!

The sudden ringing of her phone, jumped Saeyoung out of her thoughts. There was only a few minutes left before 10pm strikes, making the girl wonder on who would even call her this late in the evening, knowing that she has school by the morning. Plopping down on her bed, she grabbed her phone near her lamp side, her eyes widening seeing the name of the caller.

Haku Shota is calling you. . . . .

Saeyoung did not hesitate to answer.  "H-Hello?"  she quietly cursed herself for stuttering.

"Saeyoung! Is there something wrong? I felt like you were arguing with someone earlier."  he said over the other line.

"U-Uh, you don't have to worry. It's nothing, I swear." before going to sleep, the last Saeyoung wanted to remember was her and Ni-ki arguing. Same goes to the scene on where he gets affectionate with Takara.  "Btw Soul, how did you manage to get my number?" she questioned.

Soul let's out a small chuckle.  "It's because of Nina. Earlier today at the awarding ceremony, she came looking for me and willingly gave out you're number. I don't really want to disturb you or anything so I decided to wait for you to call instead but Nina texted me earlier this evening saying that I should call you. She even said that it was an emergency. "

The girl smiled. Soul might not say it directly but she could feel that Soul is one of those people who would run to you whenever you need him.  "Oh she did? Well I guess I'm thankful, I guess?"

"Thankful? You're not mad?"

"Mad? No, I'm not mad at all. Actually, I'm quite thankful that you called earlier." she can't lie, the annoyed look on Ni-ki's face earlier, scared her. She wanted to leave him but Saeyoung's afraid he might block her way again. Thankfully, Soul's call butted in, calming the girl down from the situation she and Ni-ki was in.

"T-Then, I'm glad to hear that."

Silence enveloped the lines of the phone. The two isn't that close yet and they still felt shy and nervous whenever they'd meet. But it's normal, they just met a few days ago and Saeyoung wanted to get to know Soul more. It has only been a short while but she knew to herself, that she could trust him─probably even more than she is now with Ni-ki.

"By the way, Soul. . . . ."

The boy hummed in response. "Y-Yes?"

"Congratulations for winning second place. I'm proud of you and you're team."  she finished.

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