chapter eighteen.

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"Sorry, I really can't come today."

Nina patted her friend's shoulder.  "Aww it's okay! Besides you need to recover and today is the awarding ceremony, so yeah I can deal with our crew alone." said Nina who then looked at both sides, checking if anybody was eavesdropping them. She leaned in to Saeyoung's ear and whispered,   "Don't worry, I'll take a good eye out on you're boyfriend to make sure that no girls from other schools can approach him."

Saeyoung's eyes widened at the mention of 'boyfriend' and she knows on whom her friend is referring to. Nina gave her a wink, making Saeyoung scoffed.   "Nina, he is not my boyfriend!"  she stated.

"Well not yet, of course!"

Saeyoung rolled her eyes.  "Whatever! Just go, or the bus might leave you behind."  she says pushing the japanese girl towards the school exit.

Teasing Saeyoung with Ni-ki has now became a hobby of Nina, considering that she has spotted one of the most eye-catching moments of the two and she can't help but speculate that there is something going on between them. And she'd do the honors of becoming a spy and find out what's really going on.

"Okay, I'm going! I'm going! Just take care of yourself mkay?"

"I will. Don't worry too much! I'll see you guys later, yeah?"

Nina nodded.  "I'll tell you what happened later on!" she gave a big wave to her friend as she exits the school and proceeded to go to the school bus. Once she enters, she umm grabbed a seat beside Songyee who was currently asleep.

"Nina!" she just sat down, Nina turned to see the person who called her. Her eyes met Nishimura Riki's figure. Nina's eyes travelled behind him and there she saw Yasuda Takara who was looking at Ni-ki with curiosity.

The female gave a small bow at Ni-ki. "Oh hello, Ni-ki! Wassup?"

"Ermm.." the blonde scratched the back of his head and suddenly looked down.   "W-Where's Saeyoung?"

Nina raised her left eyebrow up, a grin suddenly appearing in her face. She was guessing that something happened yesterday and she was quite sure about it. Who knew that a certain Nishimura could immediately identify the lack of presence of Roh Saeyoung when he clearly just entered the vehicle.

The american-japanese female has now wondered on how clingy Ni-ki must be, when he was alone with her friend.  "Didn't she tell you? Miss Yoo did not permit her to go with us after the  incident with the students of Juggyeok Academy. She wanted Saeyoung to recover for a bit."

"So she will be absent at school today?" guessed Ni-ki. But Nina shooked her head.

"No, she is actually inside of the campus right now. She told me that she wanted to attend class because Saeyoung didn't want to feel left out and clueless if she took another day off of school."

"She attended school?" Ni-ki heaved a sigh.  "She could've just stayed home and rest! She was having a hard time walking yesterday when I took her home and she still insisted on attending class? Saeyoung's just going to give herself a hard time." he explained but nevertheless, Nina somehow agrees with him.

Ni-ki scoffed and sat down on a seat. He immediately took out his phone and texted Saeyoung's number.

To: Roh Saeyoung

Yah! Wtf r u doing at school? U should be at home taking a rest.
Sent ✔

After sending the message, Ni-ki sighed and layed back on his seat. If he were on Saeyoung's situation, he would've stayed at the dorm and beat his Jay hyung's record on the new video game Jake bought for them.

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