chapter forty-six

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- 2 Days Later -

"We should launch the operation now, my daughter's life is at stake!"

"Exactly! Who knows what's going inside those yakuzas' base right now, they could be torturing our children!" the meeting room remained quiet, it frustrated the man that Tsuyoshi didn't look concerned at all. He just continued sipping his tea. "You two!" he pointed to Akatsuki and Yeonhye who gave him a look of confusion. "Why are you just sitting there? Your son is held captive too you know?"

Akatsuki clears his throat. "We're highly aware of that Mr. Hillman but please calm down-"

"Calm down?" he questioned in rage. "How should I when your family conflicts caused all this to happen. If my daughter wasn't friends with your children, she would be back at home with my family, safe and sound!"

As much as it hurts to admit it, Nina's father was right. Following the years after his wife's death, the cruelty of life never once failed to drag him and his children to a dead-end. The answer to the majority of his problems, until now was yet to be answered. Up until the present time, it felt like he hasn't achieved anything worth praising at all. Except for raising two children solo, and establishing a small dance company back in Okinawa. But other than that, it was one hell of a rollercoaster ride with constant suffering, depression, and a series of disappointing events. It's infuriating actually. 

Then the second he takes his eyes off his son, he just disappeared. His life, now, at the tip of a mountain. With one wrong move, he'll be joining his mother up in the skies. Yoshi knew he was the human form of bad luck however it never came upon him that he'd drag three more minors with his issues. He was a solid fuck-up.

"I apologize for causing such trouble, I am. I didn't mean to drag your children into this mess, so if you please, let me handle the operation and I'll make sure that every one of your sons and daughters will return to your homes before sunrise. Our operation will take place once the sun has set. Reinforcements are all armed and geared, the medics are just behind us so you don't have to worry about anything."

Julian Hillman snickers. "It better not."

The man hums in response. Directing his eyes to the farther left corner of the room, Yoshi softens at the sight of Roh Hyun-gi comforting his wife. The two had just arrived from Sejong City after the news of their missing daughter had broken out, he heard that Liyoung - Hyun-gi's wife, had been crying for the last few days. Although he was the person to blame, Saeyoung's parents approached him with kindness. Taking a stroll back in the days when Riki was talking with Konon through skype, his little boy would mention Hyun-gi's daughter now and then. 

With two steaming hot cups of coffee in hand, Yoshi carefully went his way to the couple. "I promise to retrieve your daughter back in your arms, I will do everything in my power to do so. I'm so sorry for dragging her to my problems but, thank you. . ."

Saeyoung's father slowly took the cup Yoshi had offered. "Thank you. . . for what exactly?"

"I heard your daughter is good friends with my son. I want to express how grateful I am for your daughter who's always looking out for him in school. It means a lot."

With the pieces coming into place, Nina flashed a smile at her finished product. After six long hours of knitting at the dining room, the japanese-american female released a sigh of relief. She never realized knitting a pair of mittens would consume a whole afternoon, nevertheless, she had fun and now she has a present to deliver to her grandmother back in the States. Feeling confident enough, Nina is in hopes she could return home soon and go back to her normal and ever so stressful high school life.

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