chapter forty-four.

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- Six Days Later -

8:46pm in the morning, the loud, active and lively hallway of Adroit never failed to deliver a warm and happy welcome to students who just walked passed the school entrance. There was no such thing as a lazy and gloomy morning inside Adroit for it has always been a place full of laughter and positivity once you've entered the school gates - however a certain boy chose to differ.

"For freaks sake Ta-ki chill. Your Jay hyung already asked his father to hire an elite team, even Akane's people came to help. Heeseung and Jake hyung had called the news station and is lending out flyers, Sunoo um. . . I don't wanna know what type of shenanigans he's in, their parents are already out on the look out and the search team is close to finding them."

"Also, teachers are worried about you Ta-ki. You don't want your grades to start slipping right?" 

Ta-ki hums in response. "Yeah I guess so, but it kinda does feel weird not being able to see Ni-ki and the others in awhile. I mean, what disaster have we entered? What did they even do to deserve all of this? It feels like a living nightmare. The only good thing that happened is our team retaining our spot as champions and Ni-ki and Takara getting together." if he could, Ta-ki would voluntarily give away their title and trophy just to see his friends back in a good state. Not this mess.

"And a successful heart transplant for Katsumi."

"I heard she'll be discharged soon."

"In four weeks time, yes."  slamming her locker shut. Lucy distributed her notes to the two boys. "These are some old notes I made, I might be a year up than you two but trust me, it's very helpful and easy to understand. Oh and Xinlong, the highlighted sentences and phrases are super important so I suggest you memorize them, you don't wanna get called by Mr. Jung and stand there knowing nothing." she remembered slacking off in Mr. Jung's class two years before and boy, how embarrassing was the punishment he gave her. She even had to act like she's sick in order to stay home for a whole week just because she's scared of facing the strict teacher. "I forgot to mention, me and the others will be visiting Takara later after school ends, will you guys come with us?"

Xinlong shooks his head. "Can't. I will be studying at Hanyu ge's house later. I have a science test scheduled tomorrow."


"I guess I could pay a visit."

"Great! Make sure to invite Chaeji and Mijin as well, they really look pitiful these past few days. Probably because they're devastated at the news of the sudden disappearance of their friends, so might as well let them tag along." 

"But what if they don't want to?"

"Then they should at least help Jungwon sell his hyung's ripped underwear right on the streets of Seoul." Lucy chuckles. "Kidding. Cheer up kid, we'll see them soon." she pats Ta-ki's back before running up to her friends.

"Make sure to back up the first line of defense, judging by how Tsuyoshi's playing, the number of police men you encountered two days ago will double once they have tracked our location. But do remember, our numbers are greater than Yoshi's team. Just make sure you'd avoid acting on your own so that we'd have a greater chance in winning and lesser chance of actually being captured."

Misato steps up and salutes. "But sir, we did work together. Most of us survived and made it back here alive-"

"Most of you. But not all of you. Two died in the field while three are now captured. You could say that majority of your group returned but may I remind you Misato that half of your men came back with fatal injuries and deep shots. Without proper and immediate treatment, they could have died on the spot because of your recklessness." Koshino shot at him with an angered look. His teeth gritted and hand balled into a fist, veins now looking more visible. Koshino understood that it was a sudden encounter and they were left unprepared but what he couldn't accept was his act of stupidity and incautiousness. If Misato would've been more careful, his teammates would have survived and returned with scratches and minor injuries.

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