chapter five.

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"Thanks for that."

"Thanks for what exactly?"

"You know, for stopping Ganhyu from slapping me?"

Ni-ki shyly smiled and immediately looked down, scratching the back of his neck. His second encounter with this girl looked so different from what he had imagined earlier today. To thought of meeting in the music room again went down to the scene on where he had to prevent her from getting hurt, especially when it's going to be the cause of a boy. A stupid one.

Back in the cafeteria while Saeyoung was still confronting Ganhyu, Ni-ki watched with an impressed expression. He liked the way she talked and protected the poor girl, he liked her sense of confidence. Watching Saeyoung made Ni-ki surprised, but what surprised him the most is when she requested to get slapped at.

From all the girls Ni-ki met, it was only Saeyoung who managed to give him a wow-factor. I mean, it was kind of rare to find girls like that and for Ni-ki, he hasn't met any girl like that, except now. He wanted to know more about her. And finding out her name might give him a bigger opportunity for it.

"It's no big deal. Actions like that should not be tolerated, especially among girls. That's a major offense." Saeyoung agreed. Hurting or taking advantage of woman was not a pleasurable to see.

"But- wait what's you're name again?" Ni-ki immediately remembered the challenge he took from her. Maybe he could try fooling her to get her to say what her name is.

"It's Sae- wait!" About to fall from his trap, Saeyoung got a hold of herself and remembered the challenge she gave him. Phew! Good thing, she wasn't able to fully mention her name. "Secret! You're supposed to find it out for yourself."

Ni-ki lightly punched the air. Dang it! The girl wasn't able to fall for his trick. But next time, he'll make sure she will. The blonde sighed and took a side view of Saeyoung, he smiled. "Anyways, why did you have to ask Ganhyu to hit you? Are you nuts?"

Saeyoung laughed. He doesn't get it. Why laugh in a question that includes harm? Saeyoung just shooked her head and bit her inner lip. "I think I am. But that's just the start, you don't know me quite fully yet Mr. Nishimura."

"Tch. How come?"

Saeyoung stopped and turned to the boy. "Because you barely even know my name." Saeyoung cheekily smiled and continued to walk down the hall.

Ni-ki stared at her in disbelief. He didn't know the girl could be like this. She looked so approachable and kind at first, but he wasn't aware she could be the opposite. Even his own eyes deceives him. Interesting.

If she we're nuts. Would she drive Ni-ki nuts as well?

"Hey Saeyoung, I heard that you confronted Ganhyu back at lunch right? Nice job."

"Yeah, the scene was really fun to watch. As if it were a movie or a story!"

"And then comes Nishimura Riki to the rescue! Saving the damsel in distress."

Saeyoung rolled her eyes and turned her swivel chair to face her friends in the editing committee. Many students were aware of what happened earlier which made Ganhyu in trouble, the news spread as fast as lightning and it didn't even surprise Saeyoung at all.

In school, one wrong move can cause an issue. For example, a girl and a boy are alone walking together. Issue

It was really rare to find privacy, and people these days are getting quite nosy and it's really annoying the heck out of Saeyoung. Who are they to judge anyways? But then again, she has gotten used to it.

"Why need a hero when the damsel is already loving her distress?" Saeyoung pointed out.

"Wait, so you are going to enjoy Ganhyu's slap? Is that it?" with that, Saeyoung started laughing which left her team confused and a bit creeped out. There we're times that Saeyoung would just laugh out of nowhere or when some topics started getting a bit violent and you know, crazy.

Her team just confusingly stared at her. "What's so funny about being slapped?"

Saeyoung slouched back to her swivel chair and calmed herself down. Her herself does not understand why she keeps on laughing at times like this. "Nothing much but, do you really think I'd let him slap me without being prepared for it?"


"No, maybe not."

"Knowing you, it's a no."

"Who knows?"

"I think so?"


Saeyoung flashed a grin and grabbed her camera and replaced the old memory card with a new one she just bought. "Answer is no. Because I'm not that stupid enough to let a guy slap me unprepared."

"But seriously are you crazy?"

"Ever since I was born sweetie." replied Saeyoung who immediately went back to developing the pictures she saved, and so did the others.

They might have gone back working and preparing their materials for another meeting with the news committee's coordinator but Nina Hillman has gone off wondering about the highlight of earlier's show.

Riki Nishimura, Hero of the Day.

Now that would make a great title now doesn't it?

"I'm guessing there's something going on between you and Ni-ki." suspected Nina who grabbed a slice of toast and took a bite, staring at Saeyoung.

"He just helped me, what's so suspicious about that?"

"Nothing. It's just that I could feel something, you know?" Nina puts up a teasing grin which made Saeyoung role her eyes, causing Nina to laugh.


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