chapter thirty-six.

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Quietly hiding behind the thin walls that separates the hallway and her father's bedroom, Konon listened attentively to the 49 year old man talking on the phone. She just got back from the studio after practicing another dance cover with her friends and once she entered the homestead, a loud and straining voice belonging to her father's, echoed through the household. Filled with sudden curiosity, Konon immediately went up and decided to listen to the conversation.

Lucky her, her father was on a Skype call, making it more easier for Konon especially when the person he was talking to was on speaker.

"I don't think this is the right time to talk about it. Don't you know that the two are practically rivals? How do you think would they react once they find out the truth? They're still kids — "

"And if we tell them as early as now, the better. The fued that they lit up would grow into a massive fire if we don't do anything! They need to know about Yukio. We can't keep on hiding this from them Tsuyoshi. You are the father and you should know what's best for you're kids!"  the woman scolded.

Konon felt dumbfounded. A month ago, an envelope with a sonogram and a portrait of a cemetery was hidden in her dad's room. Now second, her father is yet to unravel a secret that he has been keeping from her and her brother. A mixture of confusion and anger conjured up her head.

The truth is somehow alike to a time capsule. It both holds great treasure but no matter how deep it was buried, someone is bound to dig it up again and reveal it to the world.

Tsuyoshi sighed in defeat. He knew sooner or later he had to tell his kids the unfortunate events that had happened in the past but he wasn't expecting that he'd be telling them this soon. "I will. I will. Just give me some time, I can't just run out of my room and talk to my daughter out of the blue. She'll probably think I'm being shameless."

"Sure. Make sure you keep you're word alright?" Tell them that Riki and Konon's. . ."

Konon placed a hand on her mouth, she couldn't believe what the woman said. It made her want to burst in tears.

Sitting at a quiet corner of the practice room, Riki ignored his fellow Adroit schoolmates and went to stare at the door's entrance. The competition was still on-going at the main hall but some of his members craved for food and wanted to grab lunch as soon as the dancers change from they're costumes to they're casual attire.

From all the competitions he went to, this was probably the most boring. He felt a bit soulless and tired right after the performance. He didn't even have the energy to cause havoc and tease his teammates which was apparently a shocking change.

Noticing the japanese boy's quiet figure, Daniel approached Ni-ki and sat beside him. "Ni-ki hyung, I need you're advice on something? Can you help me?"

"If the topic is about academics, I'm out."

Daniel scratches the back of his neck. "Well uh. . . yeah it is about school but my question isn't actually math nor science related. It's about my assignment in english and I'm in need of you're judgement since you are actually a year above me."

"Go on."

Explaining his assignment, Ni-ki like listened and tried to come up with ideas that could help his junior. The korean - american boy decided to make a poem about a love story between a soldier and a princess. "So I was thinking that the princess will go along with the arrange marriage and after maybe two to four years she would file an annulment and find the soldier whom she love and marry him. Boom! Happy ending. What do you think?"

Ni-ki hummed in response. He had to admit that Daniel came up with an interesting plot but there were some parts that seems so unrealistic. "You're plot will do well. But I think it's better if you change the ending and also give focus on the soldier's feelings."

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