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Nishimura Riki

❛ Fiercely Sweet ❜





· · ──────·甘い·──────· · ·

· · ──────·甘い·──────· · ·

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· · ──────·甘い·──────· · ·



Nishimura Riki

Yang Jungwon

Yasuda Takara

He XinLong

+ enhypen

+ i-land trainees

+ fourth gen idols


( these are the idols who will
most likely to appear in the book
but does not mean they are the
actual cast )


"Yukio! What about our children? Are you really going to leave them? Leave us? For fucks sake they need you!" The words of Ni-ki's father was heard around the household. Yukio, Ni-ki's mother took a pause and slowly turned around to face her husband.

Her eyes showed no emotion. She blankly stared at her husband, while she held a tight grip on the piece of cloth she was holding. This was the day her husband feared for. It has been 6 years since they got married and Tsuyoshi won't let her wife slip away from this family that easily.

"I fell out of love for you. Marrying you was a mistake! I should've been wiser with my decisions."

Tsuyoshi's eyes darkened. The woman he planned to spend the rest of his life with, the woman that he made a commitment with, the woman he had love ever since his college years, wants to leave him and their children. This was Tsuyoshi's most darkest hour. He sat down on the couch, his hands intertwined and his head facing down. He couldn't accept what was happening.

It may have been only Tsuyoshi and Yukio who were talking but little did they know they're children was listening too. Upstairs in Konon's room, she tightly held her little brother who kept on crying. It has been weeks since they're mother and father started having arguments which made Konon thought about the most hurtful thing that can happen, in which it is already happening now.

It hurt her to see Riki hearing and crying over the loud arguments Yukio and Tsuyoshi had to go through every night. And Konon made sure her little brother would already be asleep by then.

"Konon, what do you think will happen to mom and dad?" said the teary-eyed Riki. Konon kept her mouth shut and pulled her brother to a tight hug. Lying was never the answer but it was difficult to say the hard truth as well, in this case, it is very accurate.

"Get us a lawyer and let's settle with this. Tell them to bring the divorce papers." Yukio gave her husband one last look before dragging her luggage and leaving the house. As soon as she step foot outside, it was confirmed that Yukio and Tsuyoshi are no more.

Hearing the door slam shut, Tsuyoshi kneeled down and burst into tears. The sound of glass and other furniture breaking and being thrown to different areas of the house made the two siblings flinch. Tsuyoshi was losing himself.

"D-Dad." Riki hesitantly called out.

Tsuyoshi was a mess. His hair was messed up, his eyes showed sadness as his cheeks we're stained by his dried tears and his hands trembled. Tsuyoshi went to Riki and Konon, he bent down in front of them and immediately pulled them to a tight embrace. His children started crying non-stop, it was heartbreaking.

"I won't leave you like mom did okay? Dad will stay with you. I'll take good care of you by myself." Tsuyoshi wiped his tears and did the same to his children. Losing his beloved was hurtful enough that even his love was not enough to make her stay.

These two children in front of him we're his most prized possessions and he will never let them experience the same pain he did. He will protect them at all cost.

"We can do this. We don't need mom, we can live a happy life with just the three of us." Tsuyoshi gave a small smile of encouragement. He can make them happy and contented on his own.

3 Years Later. . . . .

"You two really did a great job today and I'm proud of you. And because of that, I'm taking the both of you to an amusement park this coming weekend." Tsuyoshi was attacked with one big hug by his two children. It was quite rare for them to go to places since Riki and Konon has always been busy dancing and perform while Tsuyoshi was occupied by his work.

"Riki kun, mind grabbing us a box of chocolate ice cream right over there?" Riki smiled and ran down to the ice cream alley while his sister followed. Tsuyoshi chuckled at the sight.

Right down at the corner of Tsuyoshi's eye, he noticed a familiar face. He squinted his eyes, finally recognizing the person. It was his ex-wife. With a man and child right beside her, she laughed happily with them. Tsuyoshi's eyes we're flames, he could feel the urge to give the man one big blow.

"Gosh, its cold." Riki took out the box and handed it to his sister. They walked back to where their father is when they noticed he was gone. The sound of falling canned goods caught they're attention and saw the sight of his father beating up a man. And their mother watching?

What surprised Riki the most was that his mother was holding another little boy's hand and brought him to her embrace. Riki was angry and jealous. He couldn't believe that he was seeing his mother taking care of another child rather than her own.


➥ grammatical errors and typos
may occur in the story, don't be
afraid to correct me.

➥ i accept full criticism! please
don't be afraid to speak up.

➥ if you ever want to start a
story with the same set up and
references, kindly give credits to
me for, fiercely sweet gave you
inspiration and some scenes
that would immediately bring
you're mind back to this book.

➥ this is my second story so please
take it easy.

➥ if you think someone is
plagiarising my work with no 
rightful credits being
given, immediately dm me
please! my dm is always



The Story is fiction. Time, Settings and Plot are only based on my imaginations and does not cross any real life situation nor events but it can be found coincidental if it does.

3O. 11. 2O2O ─── debut ( 6PM KST )
                          ─── book started

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