chapter four.

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As soon as Ni-ki finally got back to the practice room, his team mates couldn't ignore the sudden change of their captain's mood and a satisfying smile that he brought with him when he entered the room. Earlier, he looked so stressed and worried, but now he came walking down the door as if a miracle had happened.

Saying that they aren't afraid of Nishimura Riki is one nice try of a lie, except for Takara, Jungwon and Xin Long. But for his other teammates? Who wouldn't? No one would even dare to face the burning wrath of Ni-ki himself. Because who knows what this boy is capable of doing?

"Alright the formation is doing good and I like the improvement."  he complimented, recieving a sigh of relief from his friends slash teammates. Thank goodness, they were worried that Ni-ki might go crazy.

"Hey um, Ni-ki."

"Yes Junghwan?"

"Mind if we take a break? We've been practicing for 3 hours straight now."  Ni-ki nodded at boy who collapsed and dragged Jungwon to the floor with him.

Everyone looked tired─as usual but not Ni-ki. No matter how difficult and tricky the moves can be he isn't the type to get exhausted easily. From years of experience, Ni-ki has gotten used to this feeling, so it didn't bother him much as it did to his teammates.

Sitting back down on the bench, Ni-ki brushed his hair and soon drifted of staring at a farther direction. Jungwon noticed his friend who seems to be dozing off and yet he looks happy? Jungwon is sensing that something happened right before he entered this very room.

"Nishimura Riki, are you okay?" he asked settling himself right beside his friend.

Ni-ki jumped at the sudden mention of his name, going back to reality. "Uhm, yes Jungwon hyung?"

"Did something happen while you were gone earlier? Because I could feel that something did."

"W-What do you m-mean? You weren't actually there with me." Ni-ki cursed himself for stuttering.

"Aha! You're stuttering! And the line 'you weren't actually there with me' is making it a lot obvious Ni-ki." Ni-ki started scratching the back of his head, there was definitely no way he could escape Jungwon. These two are the closest friends in the dance team so they read each other very well.

"Ni-ki spill it." Jungwon crossed his arms, left eyebrows raised up waiting for his dongsaeng to answer.

Ni-ki looked down and pouted, he knew he could never lie to his hyung. "I actually met a girl and- "

"You're no longer a baby! Nishimura Riki is a man!"

"Says the boy who once dressed like a sheep and made sheep noises while asleep! Oh and, you were snoring too."

Jungwon's cheeks burned up. How come his dorm mates never bothered to mentioned that he made sheep noises while he was sleeping. Jungwon would feel embarrassed of himself! Now he knows what his Jay hyung feels.

Oh the agony.

"Hold on, Jungwon hyung makes sheep noises in his sleep?" Xin Long bursted out laughing.

"H-How much did you guys hear?" questioned Jungwon who pulled his sweater to cover half of his face.

"Starting from the part on where you shouted, 'Nishimura Riki is a man' part." said Miihi.

It's obvious in the faces of their teammates that they were trying to hold their laughs. Even Ni-ki. Gosh, how embarrassing! Jungwon never expected to be in Jay's shoes considering he would just laugh at him whenever Jay had his moments.

𝒇𝒊𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 ━━ nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now