chapter eight.

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Merry Christmas Everyone! Did you spend this day nicely? Hope all of you ate well!

I know it's kinda late but here's a chapter as a small gift for my lovely readers <33

I love you all and again, Merry Christmas! Enjoy reading ♡︎

Ni-ki grabbed the iPad and went towards Saeyoung. "Saeyoung, smile." not fully prepared for the shot, Ni-ki got himself a blurry photo of Saeyoung, in which he laughed at.

"Stop it." says Saeyoung who blocked her face with her books. Ni-ki's laugh died down and listened to her wishes. The blonde instantly went right up to the girl and faced the camera of the iPad right toward them.

"Smile okay?" Saeyoung slowly placed her books down as Ni-ki took a quick selfie of them. "Done. Shall we get going now?" the girl nodded in reply.

It felt a bit unreal knowing that she now has a picture of Ni-ki and herself in the gallery of the dance team's tablet. She actually went through the whole gallery and it made her smile knowing how close they were.

If only she could be able to be that close with her brother. But no, Saeyoung and her brother would probably be making the floor a wrestling rink before even a whole 6 minutes would tick by.

"I'll walk you home."

"Sorry, what?"

"I'm walking you home." he repeated. "Besides, girls shouldn't be walking alone in the streets at night. If you had a friend with you, I would've let you be."

Saeyoung fell out of words. "But, I can take care of myself─"

"Stop the complaint Roh Saeyoung and let me do what I please. Plus, Heeseung hyung told me to help and assist girls as much as I can." Ni-ki turned his back and grabbed the strap of his backpack. Turning to face the girl, he found her gone.

Hearing a faint knock on the door. He spotted Saeyoung's headed popping out from the side. "Thanks for the offer but no thanks! I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" she said before running out to the school's exit, not wanting Ni-ki to catch up with her.

Ni-ki scoffed at the scene. "What is she, some kind of criminal or what?"

Fade into view

Oh, it's been awhile since I have even heard from you

And I should just tell you to leave cause I

Know exactly where it leads, but I

Watch us go round and round each time

Ni-ki watched in awe at Saeyoung. This wasn't his second nor third time listening to the girl but hearing her voice each time surprises him in a calming and sweet manner.

He loved it.

If there were no competition at all this year, Ni-ki would gladly get comfy in a chair and listen as Saeyoung would go on and on, singing songs she had prepared for him. But sometimes he did felt weird, knowing that he's somehow using Saeyoung as a personal singer or music box.

But then again, he had a deal with the girl so he doesn't think about it too much at all.

You got that James Dean, daydream look in your eye

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