chapter thirty-five.

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Feeling the soft silky fabric on her hand, Saeyoung couldn't help but admire the beautifully designed dress right in front of her. It was a dark blue off-shoulder knee length high-low dress with a rinestone belt and small sprinkles of glitter. The outline was simple but at the same time elegant, she couldn't believe that she would be wearing this during the competition.

Just by thinking about it, entering the competition with Soul's team feels like she's signing up for war against her own school. She felt excited but at the same time, nervous.

"You'd look gorgeous wearing that Saeyoung! Can't wait till' tomorrow."  Yoon flashed a wink at the girl, trying to make her blush.

Saeyoung smiled at her. "Thank you unnie, but don't you think that somehow, me joining you guys is, I don't know? . . . . wrong? Because, I'm somehow betraying my own team? My own school for this?"

Yoon placed a hand on her shoulder. "Well not unless you get caught, obviously." she chuckled. "But hey! Like what Jeongseob said, the rules aren't specific and besides if you got caught, the whole team, especially Soul, will be taking the blame. So you don't have to worry about anything okay?"

Yoon gave Saeyoung a reassuring smile but her explanation failed to wash all of Saeyoung's doubts away. It was nice to hear that Soul and his team will be there for her if their plan didn't go the way they expected but if ever they do get into trouble, the girl won't help but blame herself for everything.

The competition starts tomorrow. The only thing she can do now is practice for last time, get rest, wake up early, move to the venue, get dressed and prepare herself.

"Alright into positions ladies and gentlemen! Let's all do the dance for the last time, then we'll call it a day. Remember tomorrow is the ballroom competition, so chop chop!" the dancers followed they're dance coach's instructions and gathered up at the center of the room.

"Okay, 3... 2... 1... Music!"

Sitting down on the chair her hand intertwined with her mother, the little girl leans her head to her mom's arm while she continues to converse with Himiko's doctor about her current condition.

"She seems to be doing fine. Although she may randomly feel some discomfort from time to time but with good treatment and control, little Himiko is going to be okay. She just have to learn on how to live with the disease."

Mi-yoo sighed. She took a glance at her little girl and smiled sadly. "Thank you doctor. We'll come back again next week."

"Of course ma'am. But if any case Himiko happens to mention or experience something out of the ordinary, please send her straight to the hospital immediately." he gave her a quick notice. "But hopefully she won't since Himiko doesn't appear to be showing any unnatural symptoms for over the last three weeks, am I right miss Himiko?"

The girl shyly nodded. Smiling at the little girl's cuteness, the doctor gently ruffled her hair. "Well if that's the case then I should get going now, I have another patient waiting for me down at the second floor."

Mi-yoo bowed as a small sign of appreciation. "Thank you so much Miss Song!"

"Anything for Himiko."

Slowly lying down her bed, she could feel the tightening of her chest once again. Himiko took little breaths then calming herself down with some water. She was getting used to this painful feeling and she doesn't mind living with it for the rest of her life but if she were to choose, she'd prefer having this disease gone for good.

All Himiko wanted was to do anything freely with no limitations nor thinking about dangers that might affect her health. She felt sad knowing that she couldn't be able to do those things so here she is now — homeschooled, no friends, can't venture outside alone and low-key suffering.

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