chapter nineteen.

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"Once again, Congratulations Adroit Manueverz for winning 1st Place!" 

A major round of applauses were heard around the area. As usual, Adroit secured their title as champion, again this year making other dancers role their eyes, walk away, leave or greet and congratulate them for they're success. It wasn't really much of a surprise for them since Adroit has been placing 2nd to 1st place in the past 2 years of participating and there was no doubt that their efforts and performance was excellently executed. As Always.

Going up the stage, the judges handed Ni-ki their trophy and greeting each member of the team a small 'congratulations.' Thank the Lord! The Dancers of Adroit has won their first competition of the year, Ni-ki felt proud of himself and his team, he can't wait to finally go back at the dorm and tell his father and sister about his achievement.  Oh, to see their proud faces once he tells them every single thing that happened during his days of practice with his teammates, until the day of their first win of the year.

"Alright Adroit Manueverz, let's do a group photo okay?"  Ze Yu took a few steps backwards before setting up his camera for the picture taking.

The Dancers of Adroit gathered round in one frame, with Ni-ki in the middle, holding their trophy. Takara went beside the blonde and faced the camera, unexpectedly Ni-ki placed his right arm around the girl, with his left holding the golden cup. The sudden touch of Nishimura Riki, made her stop breathing for a second, she felt a bit tensed in place but she liked it.

As soon as the team smiled for Ze Yu's camera, the blonde would hear the little talks of other dancers as they watch the dance team of Adroit getting their group shots. Ni-ki smirked in victory hearing the side comments, it just made him more confident in himself.

"Seriously, Adroit again this year? What's up with judges these days?"

"Did their school pay the judges so that they could win? People are getting involved in such corruption."

"Ni-ki is amazing! I want to go to Adroit and meet him!" a girl from the crowd squealed.

"Do you think he'll notice me? My friends says that I'm quite a catch."

"I've been liking him for a year now, and I don't know on how to tell him that I like him. Considering the fact that he doesn't even know me."

"Tch! Adroit again? I don't even know why dance competitions should still be held if Adroit kept on winning it."

"Sorry not sorry, but I'm a better dancer."

"Do you think that I have a chance to get Nishimura Riki to like me?"

"Nah, he probably likes that Takara girl."

Right from the corner of the stage, Nina watched Adroit's Dance Team with her arms crossed and her eyes focusing on Ni-ki who had his arm around Takara, and Takara has hers on his hip. Daniel noticed the bothered look on his friend's face as he looks down and saw Nina's right foot tapping on the floor. Instead of being happy for their team since they won, Nina's expression was very different than what he has expected.  "Nina noona! Is there something wrong?" he questioned, looking at the direction on where the female was staring at.

"No. Everything's fine." she simply lied. Nina looked away and payed attention to her phone.

Daniel knew that his friend lied. He wondered if Nina was in a conflict with Ni-ki or Takara, he badly wanted to ask but the idea instantly took a halt since Daniel did not want to unleash a furious Nina Hillman.  So instead, he'll try to loosen up her mood by changing the topic.  "So, what do you think will do as a good headline for Adroit's victory? Adroit Manuverz brings home their first win of the year? or, Adroit Manueverz manuevered their way up as champion?"

𝒇𝒊𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 ━━ nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now