chapter twenty-six.

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"You know what? I don't really understand you and Ni-ki at all. Here and then you'd have a fight whenever he felt jealous of you being with Soul or you, being jealous of Takara. Then tomorrow or a few days later, you guys are hanging out as if nothing even happened! Then the cycle repeats again!"  Nina ranted as she watches Saeyoung, collecting the printed copies of their teammates' work.

It has been awhile since Saeyoung started making a conversation with Nina about, Ni-ki since the past few weeks have been a bit hectic because of Miss Yoo giving them tasks to do and their subject teachers stacking them up with projects that are due on an earlier date. But other than that, Ni-ki and Saeyoung has been doing well and there was nothing really interesting there to report about her and Ni-ki's status.

"Is me and Ni-ki that confusing to you?"  Saeyoung questioned, which the japanese-american girl responded by, vigorously nodding her head.

"Since both of you are confusing as hell, and to avoid any fights, why don't you just date each other? Simple as that!"

Saeyoung pursed her lips and sighed.  "If only it were that easy. I mean it's obvious that Ni-ki likes Takara and if I were to ask him out, that will leave me and Takara into bad terms. Well, probably..."

Nina has already expected that answer, in almost every talk they have that involves the oh so famous dancer of Adroit, the mention of Takara wouldn't be absent. "Saeyoung, I get that you care about Takara's feelings and that's really sweet of you but you need to think at times okay? What if Takara beats you to Ni-ki? What if the time you finally confess to him face to face, he already has Takara as his girl?"

Saeyoung stayed quiet. She didn't bother giving her friend an answer and continued checking the output of the editorial team, but deep down, Saeyoung was giving a lot of thought into Nina's words. As usual, they were on point and has bigger chances to even happen.

Nina scoffed.  "Goodness! Why are we even talking about Ni-ki and Takara anyways? Just eww! No."  she said before going back into her pile of work. Saeyoung stayed quiet and continued to sink into some pile of papers just to get herself distracted.

From the start of the conversation up until now, Saeyoung couldn't shake off the feeling on how Ni-ki and Takara were doing. She hasn't seen Takara for quite awhile and Ni-ki doesn't seem to be hanging out with her as well. They probably might be too busy coming up with another choreography for the team. Not sure, but one thing is sure, and that is, the second dance competition is coming up and it's obvious the news casting committee should be up runin' and using their cameras again.

Hopefully in this competition, she won't have to witness some unexpected scenes that may trigger or play with her emotions.

1 Month and 2 Weeks later. . .

"Alright good luck! And Saeyoung, don't get yourself hurt, like what happened in the first one."  Miss Yoo reminded. Saeyoung just gave her a small smile before entering the bus, along with her fellow team.

Yeah, hopefully she won't.

Sitting beside Nina, Saeyoung wore her headphones and stared at the view outside their window. A month has passed and it has been very rare for Ni-ki and Saeyoung to meet up lately, because of school work and preparations for today's event. Since they can't find time to actually meet up during weekdays, Ni-ki found a way and started calling her for at least 3-4 times a week after practice, while at school he would give her small waves or gestures whenever they'd pass each other around the halls.

"Where the heck is the dance team? We better get going or we'll be late." said Ze Yu who was on his phone, contacting Xin Long. Maybe even spamming him.

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