chapter twenty-one.

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Giving the girl a sincere smile, Saeyoung looked down, avoiding his gaze. She bit her lip, to stop her from smiling but the boy just chuckled at her cute attempt. He reached out for her hand and held it, brushing his thumb on the back making her feel tensed but somehow warm.

Saeyoung's cheeks started to blush pink.  "W-What are y-you d-doing?" she asked softly, looking at their intertwined hands.

The boy smiled at himself looking straight at where they were going.  "I might lose myself if you get lost." he said with confidence he managed to build up. It was a small trick that his Theo hyung taught him before picking the girl up from earlier school.

"Are you trying to flirt with me? Sorry but I think it's hilarious and cute?" the japanese boy held his laugh at Saeyoung's comment as he shooked his head in denial. He wasn't really the best in coming up with those kind of lines and he practically think it was cheesy─he was cheesy. But at least he tried.

"I know, I know I'm sorry. I won't say such cheesy things ever again!"

Saeyoung chuckled.  "You don't have to. I actually find it cute rather than cheesy. And if I were to be honest, for a person like you, never have I thought of hearing those kind of words coming out of you. "

"You think so?" she nodded. At that point, Soul tightened his grip on Saeyoung's hand and walked around the city streets with his chin held up high and a small smile plastered on his face.

The last few hours has been fun and the two eventually enjoyed their time together. For Saeyoung, it was funny and exciting to talk to Soul. He's very easy-going as well─once you get to know him of course! Soul was a soft-spoken gentleman and she finds that charm of his, attractive. He was very different to any other boys she has met, since most of them are total goofs and try hard badasses.

Soul can't deny that he too enjoyed Saeyoung's company. He liked her out-going, bold and quick witted personality. So in short, she was fun to be with, to the fact that he wouldn't mind breaking some rules here and there as long as Saeyoung's with him.

The two grew closer than they were before. If they were barely strangers right before, now, they are aware of each other's likes and dislikes right to the core. Clearly, their friendship had went up to another level.

Saeyoung can't lie that being with Soul, was one of the best nights she has ever had with someone. The girl had too much fun that she easily forgot about Ni-ki and her problem. Right now, Soul was some kind of a stress reliever to her and she felt really grateful. But Saeyoung didn't want Soul to come out just because she thought of him as a stress reliever from Ni-ki, but as someone she can rely on.

"Okay one, two, three, smile!" taking the photo, Soul was able to smile from it's output─it was photo of Saeyoung sitting down at the fountain.

"Is my face messed up?"  Saeyoung asked jokingly, approaching the boy.

Soul shooked his head.  "Nope, you look cool."  oh, who is he kidding? He was meant to say beautiful or pretty. But he couldn't, he felt shy just by the thought of saying it.

The boy gave Saeyoung's phone back to her, and while she was checking the photo, Soul immediately took out his phone and took a candid photo of the girl looking at her device. He was right, she was pretty.

Eventually, the night grew darker and Soul decided to finally take Saeyoung home to make sure that she would be able to make it, safely. It was already 9:39pm and Soul needs to get back home early for school and because of the curfew Keeho has put up back at the dorm.

Now approaching the front yard, Saeyoung stopped and gave Soul a small bow.  "Again, congratulations Soul! You did well. And thank you so much! I had fun."

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