chapter thirty-seven.

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Taking deep breaths, the raven haired woman plopped down on the couch, biting the tip of her nails of her left hand as her right trembles holding up her phone to her ear, eyes presenting an agonizing look.

"That's impossible! It can't be!" she cried. "She's dead! They both are! We all have witnessed it right in front of our eyes!" picking up the lamp from her bedside table, the woman harshly tossed the lamp right up to her door out of anger. She couldn't believe that this type of news suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Slightly giving distance between his phone and ear, the man can hear and envision the havoc she was causing at the other line of the call just by hearing the female's cries as well as the falling and breaking of particular objects as she starts throwing a tantrum. Knowing each other for a couple of years, it surprised him that she is capable of showing such behavior when she's the least most harmful person he knows.

"Calm down. Throwing a tantrum won't do you any justice! Pull yourself together before I contact you're husband and send you an ambulance to come fetch you𑁋"

"Well fuck that!" she shot back. "Listen, tell them that we moved to Italy. Continue giving them false information and keep them far from Asia and all the countries that surrounds it's areas.  Make sure they won't be in contact with anyone of my relatives especially my children! Do you understand?"

The man cleared his throat. "Of course, leave everything to me."


Ending the call, she stormed out of her room with a box in hand and made it out to the backyard. There, she built a small camp fire and started ripping the pictures apart, letting the torn out paper get burned and transform into ashes. She treasured those photographs so much, too bad they ended up to be blazed after all these years.

Carefully examining the last photo, the female recalled the great memories behind the picture. It was a picture of her and her bestfriend, they're arms linked with one another and her head on leaning on to the other's shoulder.  "I'm so sorry Mimi. I know that I'm being selfish but, I can't seem to let him go just yet. Not yet."

Barging through the doors of the practice room, everyone jumped by the sudden entrance of they're captain. Just fifteen minutes ago, he seemed so unbothered but now, it looked like he was ready to commit any type of crime they could think of.

"God damn it. Where the fuck is Haku Shota!?" his inflamed tone scared his teammates. Seeing Ni-ki angry, made them want to hide and shut they're own mouths for the time being. "Fuck it! Where is he!?"

"At the. . . h-h-hospital, S-Seoul National Hospital." answered Taki.

Turning around to leave, the japanese boy furiously slams the door shut.

"Geez, I get that he's mad and all but that doesn't mean he could just break the door all of a sudden."

Ignoring her teammate's comment, Lucy went to approach Takara who continued to stare right where Ni-ki exited. She felt frozen at her spot, Takara doesn't know if she should follow her boyfriend or if she should let him be and cool off for awhile. Seeing this side of Ni-ki frightened her.

"I think you should leave him be. I heard him talking to his sister earlier."

The japanese female faced her friend, lips pursed. "Do you think something happened?"

Lucy shrugged. "Probably a family matter. So I think it's best if we stay out of the way but as his girlfriend, you should go and comfort him once he gets back. Maybe he and Konon had a little argument. . ."

"Hopefully it is." unzipping her bag, Takara went to grab her phone and open her messages. Stopping by at Ni-ki, she was contemplating if she should go and check on him. She already met Konon and has seen her and Ni-ki's interactions, of course there were times that they would argue about the littlest things and start teasing each other from time to time but it never actually came to the point that it might cause the other to act in rage.

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