chapter thirty-four.

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"There you are!"

The boy collapsed to the ground, panting. Jungwon watched in surprise, he didn't expect Ni-ki would come running all the way to the dance studio just because of their call earlier.

"Where is she?" he asked, still catching his breath.

Jungwon pointed to the elevator.  "Takara got stuck inside."

Lucy and Taki held their laughter, as much as they wanted to tease their friend and laugh at the situation, they couldn't. For sure Ni-ki would smack them both in the head once he hears them laughing.

"Did anyone call the repair man or whatever they call those people who fixes these things, yet?"  Ni-ki questioned. He grabbed his phone from his back pocket and sent Takara a short message.

Jungwon nodded.  "You mean the elevator mechanic? Yep! The owner of the studio just contacted one, minutes ago but it's going to take a bit longer for the mechanics to arrive since they're stuck in traffic at the moment."

Ni-ki hummed in response. He looked back and noticed that not all of his teammates are here with him and Jungwon. One was missing.  "Hyung, where is-"

Ni-ki got caught off when three boys entered the scene. He gave a sigh of relief when he finally found his missing member, Xinlong, but he couldn't believe that he was hanging out with two of Soul's team members.

The japanese boy dragged Xinlong away from them.  "Xinlong what are you doing with them?"

Xinlong scratched the back of neck.  "Oh you meant Zihao and Hanyu ge? Ni-ki, you need to chill. They are my dormmates. And besides, just because you and Soul are rivals doesn't mean that I should treat his team like rivals too."

"Whatever. Just make sure you don't spoil nor reveal any specific parts of our choreo to them. "

"Of course, I don't—"

"Soul! Wait up!"

Everyone's attention was directed at Soul and Jeongseob who came running. Ni-ki just snickered at their presence and started to play games on his phone.

"Saeyoung? Are you okay?"  Soul approached the door of the elevator.

"Soul, I'm okay."  Ni-ki's eyes widened when the girl replied.

Jungwon's jaw slightly dropped.  "Wait, Saeyoung is inside the elevator too?"

"Surprise!" the girl exclaimed, sarcasm in her tone.

Just far behind Ni-ki and Soul, stood Wonyoung and Yoon who stared directly at the elavator wondering what's happening inside those closed doors. It sure seemed quiet.

"How did Takara and Saeyoung got stuck in there?"

"I don't know but we can't say that it's a coincidence...right? Or am I wrong?"

Wonyoung shrugged.  "I don't know but it can't possibly be because of a cat fight right? Ni-ki came to like them both but chose Takara, leaving Saeyoung in the dust."  the girl explained.  "But it has been over a month and two weeks now so Saeyoung must have moved on and Takara...I don't know about her."

"Hopefully, they aren't pulling each other's hair and silently started attacking each other."

Meanwhile inside the elavator, Takara was sitting down on the other end while Saeyoung leaned back against the wall and stared down at the floor. None of them chose to start a conversation. Knowing that they competed over a month ago for Ni-ki, made they're situation a lot more awkward and uncomfortable.

Saeyoung sighed.  "Are you okay?" she questioned, not daring to look at Takara's direction.

"I-I'm fine." Takara replied.  "You?"

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