chapter seven.

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"You spilled coffee on Seolhee? The principal's daughter?"

"Yep. Pretty cool, huh?" proudly smiled Saeyoung who took a sip of her energy drink while walking side by side with Ni-ki. Classes we're over 40 minutes ago and because of Saeyoung getting into a fight, she had to face her dear ol' principal. The fact that she still pissed off Seolhee made her happy and satisfied.

No one messes with Roh Saeyoung.

Ni-ki eyed the girl from his peripheral view and smiled to himself.  "You really are one of a kind, aren't ya?" he spoke. He couldn't believe that a girl like her would even dare try to pull a stunt on the principal's daughter.

Spending his childhood in japan, almost all the girls there are very feminine and well-mannered, he has never met anyone as daring and strong as Saeyoung which only made him more interested in her and want to be a lot more closer.

Saeyoung winked at the boy and pulled a smile.  "Ever since I was born. But that's only the first! You don't know me, Mr. Nishimura."

"Yet." he added. "I don't know you, yet."

Saeyoung jokingly rolled her eyes and quickly went in front of him, making her walk backwards.  "Yeah sure. Anyways, thanks for the drink! I'll see you around." she did a small wave before turning her back about to jog off to another path.

"Hold on! You're not going anywhere." with his quick reflexes, Ni-ki immediately and effortlessly stopped Saeyoung by holding her arm. Saeyoung quietly groaned and lazily faced Ni-ki, in which he found it a bit cute.

"What do you want? I already sang for you? Please give my beautiful voice a rest!" Saeyoung complained in a kid-like tone. Ni-ki himself doesn't know why he stopped her from going when he would just let other girls he know do what they want, but why not Saeyoung?

"Do you have plans?"

"No. Not all." answered Saeyoung.

"Come with me to dance practice." his request made Saeyoung raise her left eyebrow. She has no clue on what he's up to but then again, it's not like she has better things to do anyways. Study? She could do that later.

"W-Why me? I'm not part of the dance team! Do you even think I'm allowed to go in there?"

"Yep. Because that's what the captain of the dance team wants. Ni-ki pulled up a cocky smile before dragging her on their way to the practice room. Ni-ki has to admit that it was a bit difficult since Saeyoung tried pulling herself out of his grip at the same time asking questions, making him annoyed.

"Come on Saeyoung, it's gonna be fun. You can be our audience and maybe even evaluate our performance? We really need people's opinions here." he said trying to persuade her and calm her down a bit. From a brave and fearless girl she can be, Ni-ki somehow notices that the girl can turn shy to.

"But isn't singing for you already enough?"

Ni-ki shooked his head. "No." he simply replied, followed by a small chuckle.

Approaching the door to the room, Ni-ki went ahead and opened the door for Saeyoung, letting her enter the room first. What a gentleman now is he? Saeyoung forgot, japanese people are very disciplined and good mannered. Saeyoung thought that Ni-ki was that typical dance hearthrob who would care less on what girls feel, but she's wrong. He seems nice and caring? to be with.

"Aye yo! It's chow time, get yourselves prepared. And this is Roh Saeyoung, our friend and audience for today's practice." announced Ni-ki, making all his fellow team mates warmingly greeting her.

"What's up? The name's Xin Long, all the way from China, nice to meet you m'lady."  Xin Long winked making Saeyoung smile and lightly giggle at his attempt.

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