chapter forty-one.

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Because there is nothing cloudy to block our vision

I'll always be close by,

listening to your voice that only reaches me

I want to see your smiling face when I look in the mirror

I'm fine with just that

 [ Mirror - Rei Yasuda ]

Gasp. Her once sleeping eyes, wakes up to face the reality. Saeyoung stares at the floor wide eyed, processing what she had witnessed back during her slumber. Sweat drips down her face, her head experiencing slight pain. Groaning, she bends her back forward whilst her hand  massages her aching head. 

So it was all a dream huh?

Nina who is at shock, quickly offers her water bottle and two packs of gummies to her friend. Rubbing small circles on her back, the japanese is at worry. Looking back at the previous matches they attended, incidents would occur every now and then. Whether it's a scandal, arguments or misunderstandings from members of different dance groups, death leading accidents, injuries and etc. The targets are all so clear, they were the students of Adroit.

Some type of biased karma.

"Saeyoung, what happened? Are you ill? Do you need to visit the clinic? Did you eat breakfast this morning? You should go back home if you don't feel so well."

Saeyoung drops a small smile, she wouldn't let a simple dream get in the way of her responsibilities. "I'm okay, it's just a small headache." Right, a headache. There was no way it would equal the same amount of pain she felt when she dreamed of Ni-ki, who decided to let her go and focus on his relationship with Takara. If she were asked, he did the right choice but it still brought damage and affliction in Saeyoung's side of the story.

"Are you sure? I could call Miss Yoo and - "

"That's not necessary." 

Nina lets out a sigh of defeat. "Stay close to me this time, I don't want to see you pulling off some stupid shenanigan or who knows? A falling debris comes your way and you might find yourself in a hospital bed." she shivers at the thought of it. So many events happened in the last few months, the last thing Nina wanted to see is her best friend lying down a coffin.

"But. . . wouldn't that be cool?" Saeyoung joked.

"Do you need a psychiatrist?"


"Then behave - " a loud vibration comes out from Nina's phone, shifting her gaze towards her lap, she displays an irritated look which gave Saeyoung an odd feeling. It was rare to see Nina in such a bad mood this early in the morning, something's up. 

Saeyoung leans closer to Nina trying to catch a glimpse of her screen. Her head might continue to hurt but her snoopy personality single handedly wins over the argument going on inside the empty space of her mind. Aching head could go later, interesting and juicy news goes on top. "So? You finally have a boyfriend?" she smirks.

"H-Huh?" the japanese accidentally drops her headphones, and wide eyed faced her best friend. "W-What are you saying? That's insane! I would never- hey!" with her lips parting, Nina watches as Saeyoung starts meddling with her device. 

u r really pretty yk?? can we
meet u seem to be a fun
person :D
seen ✓

"Who this? Is he handsome?" questioned Saeyoung.

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