chapter forty-two.

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Her eyes slowly flutters open, the plain white ceiling being the first thing she sees, the girl yawns in boredom. She lazily rose up from her bed and scanned her surroundings with an unfazed look. It was an unfamiliar room, a bedroom to be precise. A merely empty one. No closets, bedside tables, drawers, chairs, lamps and other essentials. All those materials, absent. The only furniture she happens to sight was a wooden table placed at the very center of the room and four beds - where one she was sitting on now.

Saeyoung just remembered, she was kidnapped. 

Finally getting in to her senses, the girl turns to look at her friends who up until was knocked out cold. Saeyoung sighs in disbelief, before she could take her feet down the bed, she was pulled back from her position. She felt a tight grasp holding her foot and arm in place, and that's when she realized, bright silver chains had her left arm and foot on restraints preventing her to move a single step down the bed.

"Great now how am I suppose to wake these dimwits up. . ." she mumbles. The kidnappers planned this thoroughly. Completing an escape plan is impossible if she and her friends could barely take a step. Her eyes wanders around the room hoping to find an item or a blind spot since shouting and screaming won't be such a good option at a time like this. Who knows, the bad guys might be waiting for an opportunity just by observing the littlest movements.

Coincidentally, her eyes stops at the sight of her shoe. Looking straight at the bed right across hers, she smirks at the sight of the unconscious japanese brunette. "Well. . . here goes nothing." using her free right hand, she took off the shoe from her left leg and threw it right at the boy. 


It landed right on his head.

"Fuck. . ." the boy groans. Finally awake from his slumber, he sees was a shoe sitting on top of his head and his left arm and foot tied in chains. "What the hell is going on. . ." he sets the shoe aside and sat up, immediately meeting eye to eye with Saeyoung.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" she questioned with a bitter-sweet tone.

Ni-ki glances back and forth at the shoe and Saeyoung, he now understood the clear picture. The boy scoffs at the thought. "Really? A shoe? You could've been a bit nicer."

The girl rolls her eyes. "Uh, hello?" she presents her chained hand and foot. "It's the only way I could wake you up, because there's no way I'm giving up my lungs for you. Also, it's not like you have a better idea." the girl sticks out her tongue at him.

"A pillow is way better than throwing a shoe." 

"Knowing you? Hitting you with a fluffy pillow is nothing." sleeping was one of the six things they both like in common, they might have minimum experiences sleeping together but they were aware of each other's habits. Ah, the memories. It's just a shame that the boy was already taken. Takara's such a lucky person. "So that's why we resort with the hard items." she concludes. "Now let's continue playing pass the shoe yeah? If you don't want to aim at Soul's head, the stomach will do."

Ni-ki tilts his head. "But what if I miss?"

"Then hit him with yours, obviously."

Following Saeyoung's method, they successfully awoke Nina and Soul. The complaints and violent reactions were expected, but they didn't have much of choice now that they're under a crisis. Escaping was their one and only goal, it's going to take them time to come up with a good strategy. Especially now that they're locked and tied up like prisoners. Hopefully the lady and her men are kind enough to exempt torture and show mercy.

"Before all this happened, didn't that lady say that she's looking for you, Ni-ki?"

"That's right. Is she a relative of yours?" Soul gasps at the theory. "A relative diagnosed with a special kind of mental illness? Stage three or four? Or maybe five?" he added, wanting to fill his curiosity.

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