chapter twenty-two.

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"Look, I don't think we should discuss matters such as this anymore because it's pretty clear that you like me as a friend and I get it."  Saeyoung took a step back, slowly removing her hand away from Ni-ki. Having this conversation hurts but they needed to clarify their relationship as soon as possible. Saeyoung sighed.  "You like Takara, not me. I think you're mistaking yourself."

Ni-ki sadly watch as Saeyoung walks away from him. He was confused, he doesn't know if he was doing the right thing or not, some kind of love maze this is. It drived him crazy. He feels lost and unguided. Right after hearing the girl's words, Ni-ki balled his fist, anger rising inside him. He wanted to prove her wrong but the question is, was he doing any different?

"And who told you that?"

"It's not that I'm told but judging from you're actions, I'm most likely to be aware."  she answers. Sometimes, even actions can appear to be more clearer than words itself. Saeyoung isn't dense enough to see Ni-ki and Takara's interactions, just by looking at them, they could already be mistaken as a couple.

"A-Aware? Aware of what?"

Saeyoung scoffed. She never knew that Ni-ki could be this densed and clueless. If she were to date a guy, Saeyoung would prefer someone who considers her feelings well.  "You know what, just forget it. I don't like where this conversation is taking us, if you want Takara then go! It's not like anyone is stopping you anyway." she mumbled the last sentence. She has to admit, the words she let out felt a bit heavy and just a bit more, Ni-ki might hear her small sniffles. Saeyoung better get out before she could find herself crying moments later.

The conversation is driving deeper and the only thing to prevent herself from crying is to ignore him and stop. She didn't know why she was about to cry for someone like him. No boy deserves any of her tears, she wanted to tell herself. Then looking vulnerable, emotional and fragile in front of one? It's just one big no-no to her.

The blonde held out a small laughter.  "Saeyoung are you jealous?" the girl went off-guard at his sudden question. Ni-ki looked at her, arms crossed, left eyebrow raised and a playful grin on his lips. Admit it or not, he finds her adorable and he might have the motive to tease her later on. Again, might─depends on the situation of course.

Facing him one last time, Saeyoung has her chin up and confidently answered,  "Why should I, when I have Soul with me?" at the mention of Soul's name, Ni-ki's eyes darkened and his lips parted. His playful look, was no longer there. And seeing that sight, Saeyoung walked out of the dance room and slammed the door shut.

English Class, fourth period of the day. Feeling a bit bored, Saeyoung took out her sketchbook and started to doodle images in mind. For the girl, studying is quite easy and she listened to her professor for almost half of the time, so doing some reading later on will make it up for the time she wasn't listening at class at all.

Not only boring but it is also one of the classes she didn't want to be in, because of Ni-ki. The blonde japanese was sitting at the right-er back of the class. His head might be facing up front but his eyes focused on one girl. He watched her doodle on her notebook, while thinking of ways on how to talk to her.

From: Riki Nishimura
To: Roh Saeyoung

Sent ✔

If he can't talk to her in a face to face manner, Ni-ki paved a way by sending her messages. After all, she will still have a good sight of him, considering they are in the same room and class. The boy knows that talking through messages won't do anything effective but it's worth the try. He just wants to get her attention.

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