chapter thirty-three.

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Hearing the loud ringing of the school bell, Nina and Mijin couldn't help but stare at they're friend, who started to fix her things in a rush. The teacher just left the classroom a few seconds ago and Saeyoung easily grabbed most of her classmate's attention just by standing up and hurriedly tend to her things. The girl didn't mind their stares at all, she just wanted to run and exit the school gates as soon as possible.

Unaware of Saeyoung, her extra shirt suddenly fell out of her bag. Nina was the first person to notice so she picked it up, exchanging glances with Mijin who seemed to be on the same page as her.

"Excuse me, Saeyoung? We don't have Physical Ed's class today, remember?"

"H-Huh? Of course! We only have those classes during Fridays and Thursdays."  she replied, paying attention to the books she was arranging rather than looking straight at Nina and Mijin's direction.

Mijin lifted her left eyebrow.  "Then why did you bring an extra shirt?"  she questioned. Saeyoung looked up to Mijin who straight up walked to her bag and surprisingly pulled out her adidas pants. Mijin's lip parted.  "You even brought pants? Okay what's going on?"

Saeyoung just shooked her head.  "Nothing." she retrieved her clothes from her friends, putting it back inside her bag. She zipped it close, then grabbing the strap, swinging it on her shoulder.

"And where the fuck are you going? It's lunch time, not dismissal time."  Nina cleared it out if any case her friend forgot her own class schedule.

Saeyoung pursed her lips.  "Umm...I have an appointment with my doctor today so...I won't be able to complete my whole day of class today.

"But weren't you absent just yesterday?"

"I-I was but again, the doctor wants to see me right now so..yeah." Saeyoung waved a small good bye to her two friends and walked out of the room.

Nina clicked her tongue.  "Something's going on, I can feel it. But let's save that thought for later, Chaeji must be waiting for us at the cafeteria." she linked her arms with Mijin and quietly went to the cafeteria to eat.

Curiosity filled the girls' table. They were casually guessing what Saeyoung has been up to the past few days, slowly, the girls were forming a hypothesis when they were disturb by the presence of a boy standing in front of the table.

"Xinlong! What's up?"

Xinlong roamed his eyes around, hoping he would find the person he was looking for. Chaeji noticed this and instantly spoke. She  knew what his real business was.  "If you're looking for Saeyoung, then sorry. She's not here."

"But didn't she attend school today? I saw her wandering around the hallways earlier this morning."

"She left 30 minutes ago. She said that she had an appointment with the doctor today."  Mijin replied.

"How about you?"  Nina pointed the tip of her chopsticks at the boy.  "What's you're business with my friend?"  she questioned, now stuffing her mouth with her chicken teriyaki.

"You know if Ni-ki sent you here just to find Saeyoung and ask about her whereabouts, then you should've told him that- "

"No, Ni-ki did not send me here. Actually, I came here voluntarily to say thanks to Saeyoung for lending me her notes. But since she isn't here then, I'd see you ladies later."  he gave a quick bow before going back to his table.

Feeling a bit dubious, Mijin gazed at Ni-ki's table. Once she found herself eye to eye with the japanese boy, who too was staring at they're table, Ni-ki looked away and began to drink his water.

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