chapter forty-three.

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She ran, and ran and ran. The sharp and abrupt sound of a bullet being fired up in the air terrorized her subconsciousness. Fear becoming the fuel that motivated her legs to run faster than she has ever ran. Sadness. She felt the hot tears streaming down her face, the thought of looking back would only cause her to feel massive pain, guilt and shame. 'Sorry'. The one remaining word that continues to stir upon her head. 

She admits, she was not in the right state of mind but in a situation such as this, who wouldn't feel the same way she could? The person she cared about the most was left behind to deal with the enemy while she was given a chance to leave and run for safety.

Running away together would have been a better option. But if two goes, what will happen to the target? Just leave him off and be killed? Attend his funeral, feeling like a heartless, self-serving delinquent on the run? She'd rather die early doing the right thing.

But let's put on a reality check. Her own kindness, is nothing compared to her friend's heroic yet impulsive act. Not only is she risking her life to save not only, one. Better yet, two lives. 

"She'll be okay. . . she's alive, I just know it. Please. . . please. . . she will. . ." the girl mumbles forcing her mind to swallow up those words and keep it until her friend makes a return.

May her prayers be strong enough to reach the heavens and let her friend come out alive. The last thing she wanted to see was a corpse presented right in front of her.

"Everyone! They're over there! C'mon, Run!" announced the brunette.

At the sight of an ambulance, police cars and a large group of people standing at the top of a small hill, the group ran towards them shouting and waving their hands up to grab their attention. They are so close to finally exiting this whole nightmare.

Just run. Run a bit more. . . . She is close to her limit. But that didn't matter, so she gave up everything she had and ran like there was no tomorrow. All she needed was help so she could finally go back to save her friend. 

"I need to go back. . . I need to-" her steps started to slow down, eyes getting blurry and the next, she found herself on the ground looking helpless. "save. . ."

"Ah!" the girl screams sitting up from her bed, her hand tightly holding on her to blanket. Her face looking horrified and sweaty. Glancing to her side, she caught her three friends staring with a worried expression. Breathing heavily, Nina looks away and processes about what she just saw in her dreams. Her head must be playing games with her. . .

"Nina! Are you okay? What happened?"

"Bad dream?"

Nina hesitantly nods her head. "Y-Yeah I guess so." slowly looking down her left arm, she noticed that the chains she found herself tied to was no longer there. Strange. Was Hinagiku that kind enough to remove them? Something's fishy. "I thought we were-"

"Tethered to our beds?" Ni-ki clasped his hands together. "Well Miss Hinagiku - me and Soul's sweet ol' mother dearest was thoughtful enough to settle things with Koshino last night." batting his eyelashes, the japanese spoke with a bitter sweet tone. Hearing the small giggles of the girls marks his mission of making his friends laugh with his act was a success. "Yes! We're free to move around the windowless and air conditioned room but in exchange, they kept the door locked with four of their men guarding us from the outside."

Soul's mouth went agape. "They really thought everything through huh?"

"Exactly! From the room up until the guards, she must be a millionaire."

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