chapter thirty-two.

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Saeyoung stood still from her position as she let's the tailor measure her waistline. It was a Saturday and Hyevin's agenda this noon is to meet their tailor to get measured so she could finally start constructing their attire. Correction, Saeyoung's attire. The whole team had received their costume for the upcoming event just a week ago but Saeyoung came in to the scene a day later after Min Seo's arrival at the hospital.

"Ma'am, can you really finish my dress a week and two days before the competition? I could just borrow a spare from my friend-"

"Nonsense! I could finish your dress three days before the competition even starts. So borrowing one isn't necessary sweetheart." the tailor replied, writing on her little notepad. "That's it for today, you could go back to practice now."

Saeyoung bowed to her tailor. "Thank you so much! I'm so sorry if I became a burden to you're work."

The tailor just laughed at the girl. "No need for apologies! It's not you're fault dear and besides, I've been producing all sorts of costumes under Hyevin for twenty-three years now so, I'm used to last minute works."

"Thank you Madame!" she thanked the tailor for the last time before going back to the practice room again. It was a really sunny day outside, the heat is really evident and she can't wait to finally feel the cold air once she enters the room.

Just crossing the hallways of the school, Saeyoung spotted Soul sitting right on the staircase. She decided to approach him but her steps were put into a halt when she hears him talking with worry evident in his tone.

"How is she? Is there any good news regarding her health condition? What did the doctor say?" he questioned, pushing his hair back as a sigh of worry followed.

Eavesdropping is wrong. Really wrong, but Saeyoung can't help but listen to the conversation. It sounded serious. The boy was on his phone with his mother and surprisingly, it was on speaker so Saeyoung could easily hear what the conversation is about.

"No. No news yet. The doctor said to continue on with the daily check ups."

Soul hummed in response. He can't help but wonder about his sister's condition for a while now and it drove him crazy during the last couple of days. Sometimes, he'd even stare at the screen of his phone patiently waiting for a good news coming from the doctor whenever he can.

"M-Mom...should we tell Himiko the truth? We can't keep on hiding her forever."

"We will but not now. Now is not the right time to talk to Ni-ki and his family about the situation."

At the mention of Ni-ki, Saeyoung's lip parted. She was now curious that maybe this conversation could help lead her to the actual reason on how and why the fire between Ni-ki and Soul's feud was lit.

"Sure, I'll see you soon mom." he said before hanging up.

Saeyoung quietly ran back to the practice room not wanting to get caught by Soul. She badly wanted to ask him questions about what happened between him and Ni-ki but she has no desire to bother him about a topic that would trigger Soul and his concentration for the competition.

Feeling the cold air embrace her, Saeyoung grabbed her lunch and quickly sat beside Yoon who was quietly eating her food.

"Yoon unnie." she called.


"For how long are you aware about Soul and Ni-ki's rivalry?"

Yoon chugged on her drink. "I-I don't know...Soul never once opened up about his personal life nor anything about his feud with Ni-ki. It has been two years since I joined the dance team so my answer for you is, two years."

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