chapter fourteen.

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"Hey, does your head feel a lot more better now? Can you walk properly?"

"Y-Yeah, I think I'm doing better than I was earlier."  answered Saeyoung who had her left arm on her head as she sat up straight, facing Nina. Saeyoung just woke up from her small slumber.

Nina frowned a bit. She felt worried about Saeyoung, she doesn't know if she should still let her friend be here, helping them take photos rather than sending her home to rest. Or at least take her to a small clinic for a small check-up.  "It's lunch break for everyone right now. The second round of the competition will continue by 1:30 pm. Ni-ki and his team are already eating in a restaurant 5 blocks away from here."

"Oh okay. How about you, Daniel and the others? Have you guys eaten yet or not?"  questioned Saeyoung who was concerned about Nina and her friend's stomach.

Nina shooked her head. "We haven't. We're waiting for you to join us eat. So let's go! I will treat you this time."

Saeyoung gave Nina a small smile.  "Thanks. And sure, let's go." Saeyoung instantly stood up but once she did, Saeyoung was almost in the midst of falling down since her head still felt a bit dizzy, good thing Nina was there to assist her.

Nina grabbed Saeyoung's arm and secured her grip on Nina's arm to at least help guide her and to let her refrain from falling.  "You really need to be careful, you're head was hit hard so don't do things too fast."  Saeyoung nodded.

Right now, Saeyoung was sitting down in a nearby restaurant with her team. While they chatted about random topics, Saeyoung did not dare to speak and would just listen to them laughing and all, while she sat quietly and stared down her hands. She was still stuck at the thought of what happened earlier in the bus with Ni-ki.

She wanted to believe that all of it was a dream but no, she was awake at that time. It was nowhere near a dream at all.

Saeyoung felt herself heat up a bit. While she was asleep, she somehow felt Ni-ki's hand on hers. It was warm, and the thought of it made Saeyoung's stomach tingle. She felt weird that she actually liked the feeling but the feeling was immediately erased when she was woken up by Nina to see that Ni-ki wasn't there.

But then again, why would she expect such things? They aren't even together anyways. They're just friends.

"Hey Saeyoung!" called Songyee.

Saeyoung hummed in response.  "Is there something wrong?"

"No. We were just wondering if you and Ni-ki hyung are dating! Because you two seemed close, there must be something going on between you two right?"  questioned the excited Daniel. What surprised Saeyoung, is that her team looks happy and excited. All eyes were on her.

Saeyoung laughed nervously. "Whatever you guys are thinking, it's not true. Me and Ni-ki are just friends, seriously! He probably just sees me as a sister, you know?" she answered, not wanting to give her team false hope. And hopefully, she isn't giving herself false hope as well.

Ze Yu raised his left eyebrow.  "Are you sure about that Saeyoung? Because I really feel like there's something going on, and I am not aware of it."

Saeyoung shooked her head.  "No. You're wrong. There is nothing going on, I swear. Plus! If he were to end up with someone, it'd be Yasuda Takara. They have far more better chemistry than anyone I know."  as she says those words, Saeyoung was hurting herself. But at least it's better than being given empty promises right?

"Are you really sure about that Saeyoung? Because if he does see you in a sisterly way, then explain why he looked so furious when Soul wanted to be close to you? If you are a sister figure to him, shouldn't he be a lot more supportive rather than be protective like he was earlier?" Songyee pointed out, making Saeyoung bit her inner lip. Saeyoung didn't know how to answer.

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