chapter twenty-five.

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Note; Haku Shota and Soul is just one person.

And I originally wanted to use "Haku Shota" instead when I refer to Soul but calling him "Shota" doesn't really click with me, so that's why I prefer to let the characters call him "Soul" instead of "Shota".

"Hello son, how was practice? Did it went well?"

Soul nodded as he plopped down at the couch and grabbed a pillow he can hug on. It was one tiring day at practice and the next dance competition is coming up next month. The choreography was more complicated compared to what they have during the first competition, there were some tricks and movements that are a bit difficult to pull off but they still managed to make it look safe rather than dangerous. Soul groaned, he felt like his arms and legs are about to pop off.

His mother chuckled.  "It looks like you're worn off. Do you want me to make you, you're favourite dish?"

Soul nodded. "Yes, please. I'm quite hungry right now." he fixed his position and placed a pillow right on his face while his mom started to gather the ingredients they have on the fridge and shelves.

For the boy, it was always a habit of his to go home during Saturdays ever since he started to live in a dorm with his Keeho hyung and his other dorm mates. Besides it can be so loud, dirty and messed up inside the dorm whenever Soul would come back from school. The boy sighed. He removed the pillow from his face and stared at the ceiling, thinking about their team practice and choreography, and if it's good enough to at least equal Ni-ki and Adroit.

It has been two years of dancing for Hyevin and the place that only he and his team would reach is 3rd and 2nd place, while Adroit would usually take the spot of champion under Ni-ki's lead and guidance. It felt like it was almost impossible for him to beat. And seeing his achievements, Soul wanted to do more and work a lot more harder, equalling Ni-ki's skills isn't enough.

"Shota, what's wrong? Is there anything bothering you?"  questioned his father who looked at him worriedly.

"Mmm, nothing much. Just worried about the dance competition that's about to come up soon." Soul answered, his gaze still fixed at the ceiling. But his bland answer failed to satisfy his mother.

"Shota, if it's about Ni-ki and his team again, you shouldn't worry about them okay? You're as great as a dancer they are, stop looking down at yourself." his mother said.

"You're mother is right son, I mean who knows? Maybe this time, you're team will come up as first place at the upcoming competition." his father tried to cheer him up, and gave him a pat in the had. Checking his watch, he saw that the clock was about to strike to 2:10 pm. "Alright Shota, as much as I love to hear on how you're practice has gone this day, I really need to get to work right now, my boss is asking for a conference meeting in 20."

His father grabbed his bag and wore his shoes.  "Alright Mi-yoo, I have to go now, I'll see you later." he gave his wife a kiss on the cheek and a small wave for his son as he went to exit the house and start the car.

"Mom, where's Himiko?" Soul questioned, looking for his sister.

"Himiko? She's upstairs dear."

"Alright thanks." the boy stood up and went straight upstairs to visit his litte sister. He gave in a small knock at the door of her room, and as it opened, Soul was attacked by her sister, who gave him a hug. It has been awhile since she saw her brother.  "Woah, take it easy on me, Miko."  Soul chuckled.

"I miss you!" Himiko said enthusiastically.

"I miss you too, Miko." Soul led her into her room and sat down on the floor. He looked over to her desk and saw on how messy it was, with books, papers and glittery pens scattered all over the place.  "So how are you? Are you getting any better?"

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